Dear men,

It's okay to shout,
"Blood of Jizọs"
"Mummym ehi!" and things like that when you see something that scares you. At least, once in your lifetime. After that once, don't do it again. You are supposed to be a riquid metal. An odumeje. The emperor, the conqueror.


The only other time you're probably permitted to shout again is when you come across a flying roach. Those bastids that have no respect. In such situations, you're free to shout and cry for help, the society will understand. It doesn't even take away from your masculinity. I just hope you don't think that am making excuses for myself.

Now to thre reason for my writing this, earlier today when I got back home, I went into the bathroom to shower, and after that, I decided to apply this toilet cleaner around the rim and sides of the toilet and allow it to sit for some minutes as it is written on the manual. I did that and closed the toilet seat with the cover and into the room, I went. I totally forgot about it until late night when I woke up badly pressed.

I went into the toilet, lifted the cover and what I saw almost made me rush out. My heart cut, walahi! The piss wey been hold me travel back into my system. I slowly reached for the toilet brush and hit whatever that thing is that was on the toilet seat. It fell to the floor and that was when I realized that it was a tiny rubber stuff that came off from under the toilet seat cover. I don't even know what it's called.

It took minutes for me to get myself together. Na wetin make senior man like me fear this night, sotey, I use toilet brush arm myself in defence of what I thought to be one of those weird creepy creatures. Just imagine there was a babe in the house with me then. How I for take explain myself?

Meanwhile, Isn't it interesting how we grow older and recall certain events from time past and can laugh so hard about them?

Writing this, I just recalled the number of times my uncle slapped me because I couldn't kill cockroach he asked me to kill.
I'd stay at a distance hitting the bare ground instead of the roach and it will escape. Next thing I'll hear is "gbaaa" on my back. It was later on I learned that he's more scared of cockroaches than I am. After I don chop mind-blowing slaps. No problem. Shey him children go visit me for holidays....e go be!

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Thanks for stopping by.



Huh....what did I just read here lol....this man are you a lady or a guy?

So for instance, there's a lady at home with you, is this what you will do??... 😂😂
I don't think you will see her again in your house because in her fickle mind you're not man enough but that's her thoughts by the way😂

I am kindly suggesting you use proper English and correct grammatical words for your posts! I'm not neglecting the fact that you write and know how to engage readers too! But having a well-written article with proper English and grammatical words will make people read and engage more.

And a gentle reminder, there are lots of people on hive from different countries and the fact that hive is global makes it an important factor you need to consider.

Hope you got some visit from dreemers all the way from dreemport, your post passed the requirements of dreemport standards, and that prompts my next question...have you registered yet on dreemport?

I was going to say this. Well done @cescajove

Oh thanks Zizy🩷

That's wrong of me, I know.
Corrections noted.

And yes, the dreemers visited. Thank you so much.
Meanwhile, I haven't registered yet. I'll do that before the weekend is over 😊😊


🤣🤣🤣I guess I'm not the only one that is scared of roaches then..
As for me,I would run out of the room whenever I sight a cockroach oo

For how long will you run? Or you'd rather sleep outside😂