You’ve probably seen it happen: While people are walking or driving, someone will make a fart. It might be intentional or unintentional, but the result is the same — everybody looks around to see if they should react. The funny way people behave in public when they fart has nothing to do with whether they think they’re being funny or not. It has everything to do with whether you want to laugh or not! Reactions range from embarrassment (“oh my God! I just made an F-bomb in public! What will people think? Will I get in trouble? Am I gonna get fired?”) to amusement (“that was so funny! I couldnt believe it! What a great way to launch your stand-up career!”). And it all depends on where you are, who’s watching and how socialized you are. The funny way people treat themselves when they fart doesn’t have anything to do with embarrassing yourself in public at all. But if you know what to look for, you might just find some new meaning in this everyday occurrence.
What is the funny way people behave when they fart?
This one is a bit of a mystery, but I try to solve it. The funny way people behave when they fart is not just a result of what’s going on inside their bodies, but how they react to what they’re seeing and hearing. Here’s what I know: People react differently when they experience different emotions, sights, and sounds. So when we see someone fart, we don’t just react mentally. We react physiologically, too, which is why we feel a farting person’s “positives” especially strongly. According to a study , when people are smelling new scents, their olfactory bulbs are more active than when they’re not exposed to smells. This means that when people are farting, their brains are processing the smell of gas as strongly as if they were actually farting. People also react differently when they see someone smile versus when they don’t.
A smile, as we all know, is a pleasant surprise, which means that we experience it as a “favorable” rather than “disappointing” feeling. This is why we smile when we see someone smile, even if we don’t feel like it ourselves. The “favorable” feeling triggers the same “reward” neurons in our brain that make us feel happy in the first place, which causes us to experience positive feelings toward others (and even things!) even when we don’t want to.
Are people embarrassed when they fart in public?
People who find public farts to be extremely funny usually have an extremely dry sense of humor. So, while some people might find the sight of others shitting themselves highly amusing, they probably wouldn’t find it very embarrasing. People whose sense of humor revolves around being embarrassed by things often are the ones who react negatively when others start to fart in public. This is probably because they’re thinking about themselves more than anyone else. But regardless of how you feel about farting in public, you can’t help but smile when you see someone else doing it! That’s the whole point, right? So, while people who find it embarrassing might want to keep their feelings to themselves, you can’t help but feel excited when you see someone else enjoying themselves.
What makes people laugh when they fart?
There are many reasons people laugh when they fart, which I look at below. One study found that the most common reason people laughed when they fart was “to show off their girth” (do you want to know the definition of “girth”?).
This means that when people are farting, they’re typically doing it for the benefit of others (whether that’s you or the people around you). Another study found that the “magnitude of the response” was the most important factor in determining whether or not people laughed when they farted. Simply posting a picture on Twitter or using a fart app on your smartphone doesn’t matter if you don’t think your fart is remotely funny. The important thing is how the person feels when they see the image.
Do people react the same way when another person farts?
This is the million-dollar question, isn’t it? The funny way people react to themselves when they fart could tell us a lot about how they treat others. People who treat other people poorly probably won’t react well when somebody else makes a fart in public. They might try to cover their tracks or give the excuse that they were on the phone when it happened (gee, that one’s a winner!).
Or they might just ignore the whole thing. People who are kind and considerate are more likely to be rewarded with a smile and a hand shake (or a high five, for that matter) when someone else is having a bad day. These people might be prepared to show their appreciation with a “for the love of farting, just fart in private!” On the other hand, people who are genuine and don’t try to avoid having a laugh with others (whether in public or not) are more likely to be accepted as they are. They might even be invited back to the office for a ventilator after-party!
Why People Behave the Way They Do When They fart
When it comes to the “why” of things, there are a number of reasons why people react the way they do when they fart. It could be due to hearing someone fiddle with their phone in public, for example, or seeing a dog go postal. Or it could be related to a person’s sense of humor. Some people find that being silly while they eat helps clear their minds, while others just like to feel silly. Some people react the way they do when they fart because they’re trying to boost their self-esteem.
You might be self-conscious about your body or your age, for example, so you try to cover up the signs with make-up or an old sweatshirt. Once you’ve hidden all of the “ugly” features, you might feel a little more comfortable in your own skin. Another reason people react the way they do when they fart is that sometimes you just want to be with others who get you. You don’t necessarily want to share the “fun” moment with your friends, either. You might just want to enjoy your “fart-free” time by yourself.
The funny way people treat themselves when they fart
Finally, I have the “for the love of farting, just fart in private!” approach to the “why” of things. We live in a society that tells us to be careful with our words, but we also need to be able to vent occasionally. And public farts are the perfect thing to release all of that pent-up breath! If you’re struggling with insecurity or shame about your body or your age, for example, you might try to cover it up with make-up or an old sweatshirt. Once you’ve hidden all of the “ugly” features, you might feel a little more comfortable in your own skin.
What to Do When People Make Farts in Public
If you’re around people who are generally pretty quiet and reserved, you might want to wait a bit before you “splurge” on the “for the love of farting, just fart in private!” approach. After all, you don’t want to alarm anyone or make a scene, do you? One easy way to avoid embarrassment and get your “splurge” on is to take out your phone and take a picture of the location and the people you’re with. You can then send the photo to your friends and family, and tell them what happened so they can avoid the embarrassment too.
Haha the last part though 😅 I was so keen in reading all of this as it's something that happens everyday here 😂 hey! Don't judge me yet.
I know a lot of people who react really loudly to fart in public places, so embarrassing but very funny.
I hate the ones that happen in buses, too enclosed for the bad smells, don't you think? 😅
Well, thanks for this eye opening write up about farts 👍
It's everyday experience 😊😊 people tend to play not been part of it. The ones in buses are bad one for me also. They are like 😊😊
You are welcome and thanks for stopping by
Hahaha yeah
This was quite an amusing read. I never I'd be reading a philosophical and in-depth take about farts like this.
🙂🙂 glad you did
Thank you for stopping by
What is interesting, and quite telling, is that the way you respond in comments doesn't align with the way "you write" your posts.
Your English is poor, you use the wrong words, omit critical words and the context is often wrong. The fact that your comments, including those made to me on my Discord, are in complete contradiction to that which "you write" in your posts.
This says a lot, and people see and acknowledge what is going on here.
How is it a contradiction. You actually want to compare a comment made due to the intensity of the exchange of words and also those in the discord, you actually want to compare it with the posts carefully written with maximum time and patience dedicated to it to bring desired result including the vocabulary and the grammatical Tone.
There will actually be difference I guess
Well people can also see the comments I made in their various posts and they can see those comments on their posts are different compared to those made out of intensity and in rush you talked about in the post
They can actually see those comments by themselves not written in a cracky English but with fluent English according to the normal standard of vocabulary, they can also see that there is always room for improvement and learning which also includes vocabulary and grammar, they can also see those comments made in their various post were not made out of rush but was taken time of to make and so they will definitely see the difference. They can actually testify those comments I made on their post are worth scoring high rating in English as best known to them and I inclusive
This also says a lot, and people see and acknowledge that and they can also relate what is going on here because they also might have been in my shoe typing in a rush and out of intensity and they can relate it to when they made their post in a calm way possibly taking their Maximum time to think through and applied the standard of English they know to it.
All of these people can see, read and also relate and come to the understanding the differences that is in it also.
I really don't understand why you are doing all these. But at this point I am force to believe you are actually against my person for a reason I don't know for now. However to prevent further issues, I think it is wisdom I keep quiet henceforth while you continue your persecution.
Thank you
Hey @galenkp
Is this all you can do.
I saw the downvote but the question now is
Is this all you can do.??
Quite a pity this was not your worse afterall
I tag you so that you can be aware
Once again is this all you can do afterall??
So you can't much afterall except downvote??
I thought you can do more worse
Hey @temileke, I actually have not read this post of yours but I was attracted to it because this was the first time I saw a zero upvote in this community. But I believe there are better ways to resolve issues.. You dig?