Well, I can tell you that I know how that feels. Not 100% the same but here's what happened to me.. I was home alone with my oldest daughter who was just about 1 year old (I don't remember exactly but that must have been it more or less). I was in my bathrobe only and walked to the freezer in the garden shed to take out a few slices of bread. When I was outside like 5 steps, the door closed (I think it was the wind) and my daughter was already at the door looking what I was doing from the inside.
To my shock, she had taken the bottom handle of the door and she pressed it down, it was locked! Not with a key, no these extra protection handles you have on the door for more safety! I tried to convince her to lift it up, but of course that didn't work. Panic started to arise as I didn't have keys in my bathrobe and the garden door to outside was locked as well so there I was locked in our garden and my 1 year old jumping up and down on the couch in front of the window. I only thought please don't fall, please don't fall.. she fell!
I called for the neighbor and one of them came via the other neighbor with a ladder to climb through my bedroom window. My savior haha. Since then, I never left without a key if I had to go to the garden, I always made sure that in case of emergency, I could enter from the other side lol.
I was embarrassed as well of course because I was barely dressed and just getting started with the day haha. Lesson learned! Kids can't be trusted! lol
Thanks for entering! Good luck!
It must have been really scary, a lot of thoughts must have been running through your mind at the same time..I get it, most times when we tell ourselves not to fall, we end up falling anyway, maybe if you had said that, your baby wouldn't have fallen..
I'm glad you ended up being rescued and everyone is safe and sound..❤️✅
Yes, I know that now, never summon the universe :) lol
Always think about the thing you WANT to happen not the one you don't ...
Thankfully, she didn't have any injuries, that would have been horrible..
Exactly, there's always a take home lesson wrapped around a short comment..well not always..but you get the point...
Yhhh...think about positive things... you'll be alright
Glad she was perfectly alright...she had herself a guardian angel ❤️❤️
Children certainly should not be trusted too much 😂 Well, I imagine that being in a bathrobe must have been worse than me on the highway hahaha You never have to leave your keys