One Week Without Television.

During our childhood, there were so many things that we thought we did right that were actually wrong, I remember then when our parents gave us tasks to do, sometimes we would be grumpy to do them, unknown to us that we were actually doing more harm than good to ourselves.


One instance in my childhood stands out so much that I don't think I will ever forget about it when this incident happened and the after effect of it is quite hilarious when I think about it and that is why our parents would tell us to always listen to instructions and to do the right things at the right time.

That day my mom had gone out for her daily business, she was into pastry selling, she usually did them herself so we always had enough to eat whenever we wanted. That day she told us to get something to cook, and I looked at myself and then at my sister, each of us using our eyes to tell each other that it was the other who should follow her to get the things to cook, well after an hour that morning nothing was done and that made my mom punish us and we didn't have anything to eat that afternoon, but you know there was pastry, we didn't mind we are that and continued with our playing.

My mom came back and complained about our not listening to her and we used it to affect her because she was hungry when she came back from her business and as we were preparing to cook, the power supply came on, Omo, opportunity has come, I said in mind, well my mom had other plans for us, and so she asked I and my sister to go out and get garri, and because there was a movie that we bought the CD the day before, and I wanted to finish it, before I went on the errand I quickly a slot in the Disc in the CD player and allowed the movie to play, thinking that it would get to the place we stopped at before we came back.


Omo, we came back o and as I predicted the movie was playing at the spot we were at and that was where my eyes were, unknown to me that my mom had poured boiling water that was supposed to be used to make the Garrri, my attention was diverted to the movie and when she asked me to bring the Garri to her, I became the Garri, because I wasn't looking at where I was going to and that was how I stepped in the hot water in the bowl.

It just wasn't funny that day because, with the burns from the hot water, my mom still beat me for not paying attention to the errand she sent me and I ended up being in more trouble. Nigerian mothers we hail thee

So this made my parent ground us all from watching TV for a whole month and my burn scars prevented me from attending school for a week and the most annoying part was that there was no TV to watch *to hold body.

So since that time we always made sure to listen to our parents and also to go on errands we were sent to on time, so that we wouldn't be punished, that period, my sisters bullied me for being the cause of not having TV to watch for that week. Even I myself felt bad about everything, now thinking back at everything that happened, I would just laugh.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 180 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

How old were you when the hurt water incident took place? What part of your body did affected you the most , was the TV in the seating room or the kitchen , how come you were still looking at TV even right inside the kitchen ?

Hahaha I said it na, I stepped my legs inside the water and you can imagine where the water poured and it wasn't in the kitchen, it was a big room that we divided into room and parlour and so the kitchen was in the too side and the tv was right in front of me.
Shey you grab 🤣🤣


🤣 okay bro

Can you chat me on other social media I want to make some enquiry

Find me on discord dear. My username is:

I am not in discord can't we talk in FB or any other messaging app

I would have had a heart attack if something like that had happened to me, that's why we must always try to pay attention to what we are doing, to avoid accidents.

Yes o, but as children we never listened and we cause problem for ourselves

If I experience such I wouldn't be sure if I would remain the same oo lol.

Omg, sorry how is the leg 😂
Watching TV can be so addictive then you can blame us 💔😂😂

Tha fully it healed after a week and there was no tv for a week.
Yeah that cant blamed us na 😄


Sure 🤣

Children and movie 😂😂😂. That was how my younger sister dipped her swallow inside washing hand bowl and ate because she was watching movie 😂😂.

We laughed at her that day ehh

Ahahah see life of children sha. Imagine dipping and inside wash hand water

I'm telling you

Oops! That must have really hurt alot because in the end you lost on every sides 😂, if only you did one at a time