But I'm sure your ears are not really big otherwise you would have found out by now.😅
Nah my ears are not big but my forehead is😅. It's not so big but it's not the regular. I'm proud of it tho 😅
But I'm sure your ears are not really big otherwise you would have found out by now.😅
Nah my ears are not big but my forehead is😅. It's not so big but it's not the regular. I'm proud of it tho 😅
That's exactly how it should be🥰. Our physical features really complement each other and people with high EQ are proud of theirs.
Maybe I should have included a disclaimer that this humour was written using the tone of people with low EQ who project their ignorance and insecurities on others. It is really not the author's views and one shouldn't take offense from this because .🤔😅
Oh yes we are✨
You really should have added the disclaimer 😅. Hope no one's on your neck tho