Aquella navidad todo parecía ir normal, hasta que aquella caja misteriosa llegó a nuestra casa, está no tenía dirección de origen, pero claramente decía para la familia Braums.
Mamá no estaba en casa aquella tarde, cuando sonó el timbre y yo fuí a atender a la puerta para solo encontrar la caja.
Mire a todos lados pero no había nadie en la calle, así que solo tomé la caja y la lleve adentro, sin saber lo que está contenía.
Al entrar la dejé en la mesa y subí a mi habitación, cuando de repente escuché ruidos en la parte de abajo, lo ignore y seguí jugando en mí habitación.
Casi al instante volví a escuchar ruidos, así que decidí bajar a ver que pasaba, sorpresa para mí, la caja estaba abierta y muchos objetos en la casa estaban revueltos.
Sentí mucho miedo, quizás alguien habia entrado a la casa, de repente el árbol de navidad encendió sus luces y el tren debajo de este comenzó a marchar.
Mire por un ladito de la puerta y hay estaba él, era tan aterrador, llevaba una vestimenta a rayas color verde y rojo, su nariz era puntiaguda al igual que sus dientes.
Él se reía con mucha maldad y de repente sus ojos se fijaron en mí, bajo del tren y corrió rápidamente hasta alcanzarme, yo temblaba de miedo y él solo dijo -he venido por tí-
Estaba tan aterrada que no podía decir nada, solo sentía como mi cuerpo poco a poco se desvanecia y aquella noche mientras todos tomaban una taza de chocolate caliente.
Yo adornaba aquella vieja chimenea como otro adorno adorable de navidad, frío, colorido y brillante, aquel día me había convertido en aquel elfo sonriente de navidad y este había tomado mí identidad.
The Christmas Elf 🎄
That Christmas everything seemed to be going normal, until that mysterious box arrived at our house, it had no address, but it clearly said for the Braums family.
Mom was not at home that afternoon when the doorbell rang and I went to answer the door only to find the box.
I looked everywhere but there was no one on the street, so I just took the box and carried it inside, not knowing what it contained.
When I went inside I left it on the table and went upstairs to my room, when suddenly I heard noises downstairs, I ignored it and continued playing in my room.
Almost immediately I heard noises again, so I decided to go downstairs to see what was going on, surprise for me, the box was open and many objects in the house were mixed up.
I felt very scared, maybe someone had entered the house, suddenly the Christmas tree turned on its lights and the train under it began to march.
I looked around the side of the door and there he was, he was so scary, he was wearing a green and red striped outfit, his nose was pointy and so were his teeth.
He was laughing so viciously and suddenly his eyes were fixed on me, he got off the train and ran quickly to catch up with me, I was shaking with fear and he just said, "I have come for you".
I was so terrified that I couldn't say anything, I just felt my body slowly fading away and that night while everyone was having a cup of hot chocolate.
I adorned that old fireplace as another lovely Christmas ornament, cold, colorful and bright, that day I had become that smiling Christmas elf and he had taken my identity.
Photographs of my authorship taken with my Samsung A10 camera phone edition with the Griart app.