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RE: First Contest winner, and new Arsenic Lullaby cover progress

NP, I enjoy a good rant!

Anyone who left or got fired has ned to blame, not Justin. Justin bought something and can do whatever he wants with it. @ned is the one who sold this, so anyone pissed off has him to blame, and

The bottom line here for content providers is this- jack shit was getting done for the almost THREE FUCKING YEARS I've been here. Very simple tweeks that have made this thing much more user friendly got implemented within two weeks of the new ownership. if these tweeks were in the making...well then they should have fucking implemented them, shouldn't they have? CLEARLY the tweeks were ready because CLEARLY they are working. So if Justin wants to take the literal meaning of the word he IS in fact responsible.

Notifications...THREE FUCKING YEARS I WAITED FOR THAT. The search engine options to not be a bunch of redundant terms ( trending, hot, ect) and the search engine to be functional for a normal human.. THREE FUCKING YEARS I WAITED
I can go to the search page and simply click "my friends" ....IT TOOK THREE FUCKING YEARS FOR THAT SIMPLE TWEEK? no actually it took two weeks, under Justin.

They were jerking off and dicking around with every fucking thing EXCEPT the things that would help content makers.

THIS platform and by proxy all these developers gave creators the finger over and over and over and over....they treated us like we did not matter/where irrelevant and showed that with every hardfork and every "improvement" which actually made things worse for us.

there is a new guy in charge, and for my purposes things are better, and for all the dumb assholes still out there confused as to how steem/steemit can is about the content dumbass. and therefor the content makers...and therefor making things easier for them/us makes things better for steemit

so fuck @ned I'm glad he is gone.