I started a New Mutants re-read a little while back but of course got sidetracked! But still, this past year I’ve read about the first 40 issues and assorted additional material like the Magik series. New Mutants always holds a special place in my heart as it was the comic I credit with beginning my lifelong obsession.
I agree that most comics from these eras don’t hold up very well under extreme scrutiny, but they’re still a fun read. It’s also a nice era right at the onset of the crossover mega-events that have become ubiquitous and a bit overbearing in super hero comics. I’m kind of amazed when I read New Mutants and see standalone plot lines developed over the course of years without much external interruption. Makes me wistful!
Yeah, it's good stuff. My first New Mutants comic was one of the Demon Bear stories, and I remember flipping out at how cool the cover looked---and how creepy the story was. I haven't reread that storyline, yet, but I'm looking forward to it!