Thunderbolts Original Art - Issue 69 Page 10 and 21

in COMIC BOOKS fan/pro3 years ago

Two pages from this issue and one is a splash! Even though the splash is not exactly characters I care about or Thunderbolts main cast, it is still a pretty cool page. The other is just another cheap conversational page. It does have Songbird on it though! My favorite of the Thunderbolts.





Not a big agents of shield fan really. But Still a pretty cool page.

Think I've got a couple more pages to show. Unless I buy more. 🤣 I'd really like to but most of my meager extra money is tied up in Splinterlands at the moment... Probably okay though... still can't really decide what I want to collect. Cannot focus like some people. No matter how much I would like to. Not even sure I can narrow it down to two. 😅


I totally forgot to mention. The artist on these is Jean Jacques Dzialowski on pencils and Al Vey on inks.