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RE: Michael's Long Box - The Great Gen 13 Re-Read, Part 15: Deathblow #20 - #21 (Oct./Nov. 1995)

Thanks, @x-rain! Glad you're enjoying the 90s-era nonsense. I know I need to produce at a better pace, but alas, I'm not wealthy enough to make writing a full-time job. :)

I have a Reddit account, but I don't do much with it, and I'm terrible at self-promotion, as I always feel like I'm making noise nobody is interested in hearing. @triverse, have you heard of HivePosh or know anything about it? :)


I'm terrible at self-promotion

It's easier when you promote not just your content but the community and its digital home, the Hive blockchain.

I always feel like I'm making noise nobody is interested in hearing

HivePosh is always interested in hearing your noise on other platforms, lol.

OCD. It's currently about sharing Hive links on Reddit only but it's close to supporting other platforms and activities, in addition to sharing links - developers are working on the code.@modernzorker, @triverse what HivePosh is, the latest info. It's a community-driven marketing initiative founded by @acidyo and supported by

About promotion on Reddit: link your Reddit account to Hive on, share a link (to your Hive post or a Hive post of someone else) in a community on Reddit, and get automatically rewarded (20% to the post's author, 80% to the one who shared the link). More details on this in the 8 Dos and Don'ts. And here: We've Nailed It! 10,000+ Visitors from Reddit to Hive Through HivePosh Over the Month! Meet the Team

The reward amount depends on how many upvotes your Hive link share gets on Reddit. So finding relevant subreddits is crucial. Even if your link gets 0 upvotes, you get some reward for a try. Getting several $HIVE for a Hive link share is usual. 10-30 $HIVE if the share gets many upvotes. And the record reward is 136 $HIVE:

We also have the weekly HivePosh contest so people with the most views on Reddit win prizes, the last one:

Ooh, I like this even more now knowing it is cool to share others content. I was going to ask about that - considering there are rewards connected, I was concerned it might be frowned upon (maybe viewed as an attempt to usurp another user here - not my intent at all).

I had not heard of HivePosh, nor what I thought you said the first time HivePush, till now. I just looked at them, both seem interesting but the HivePosh really intrigues me (I am quite a loud mouth on other platforms).

Getting rewarded for sharing content elsewhere is rather interesting. I just hope it doesn't turn Hive into a cesspool like most platforms like this end up being when they "break into the mainstream".

Definitely going to look into it, thanks for bringing it to my atttention.

Looking around here on Hive, it appears there is a Reddit bot for Posh too (not mentioned on their site).

Okay, signed up and read up a little bit on HivePosh. It looks like it is Twitter only at the moment but it is rewarding Hive users for supporting spreading the word about Hive via sharing content that gets interaction on Twitter (not sure about other platforms though).

Going to give it a try and see how it goes.

Happy to help, man! Hope you get some scores off of it. :)