Welcome back! I've been worried about you! I see there was some reason to be. (I tried emailing you, and asked around some.) I hope you are very much on the mend. It must be awful to not be able to draw, which, as I understand it, has been a main occupation of yours since you were very young. This looks really good! Left hand or no.
I look forward to your adding Islam to your stories. While I believe in as many gods as @steevc does, there is much to be learned from an exploration of Islam.
Thank you, @owasco! Things have been a little frustrating I must admit, but I am slowly getting better. I have been working, but slowly.
As for the Quran... it is a very special book - being inside the head of the prophet is so much different than having some educated Greeks write testimonials 100 years after (like the new testament). Special and also a bit problematic even compared to other religious books. That is at least my impression having read a bit more than halfway through it :)