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Hola Hive Lingual! Un placer estar aca!
Primera vez que publico en esta comunidad pero nunca es tarde para empezar nuevamente en Hive, espero poder publicar muchos otros post por aca ;D Este es un post un poco improvisado, desde que tengo memoria he estado muy expuesto a un segundo idioma aparte del Español y quiero compartir algunas de las tecnicas que mis padres aplicaron conmigo para reforzar mi ingles, creo que funciona en general para todo tipo de personas asi que espero pueda servirles no solo para aprender ingles sino cualquier idioma.
Mi relacion con el Ingles viene desde muy pequeño con mis padres, bueno, en mi familia en general se manejaba un buen nivel de ingles ademas de que se respiraba mucho esa cultura occidental con su musica, Michael Jackson o bandas de rock en ingles era lo usual a escuchar en esa casa y eso junto a las clases de ingles en el colegio me introdujo a las primeras palabras en el idioma, debo recalcar que a esta edad no tenia mas exposicion al idioma salvo con algunas clases y la musica pero es durante estos años que saldria a luz uno de los motivantes claves para mi aprendizaje. Los videojuegos, solo imaginen a un niño tratando de entender los dialogos de algun juego de Rol o RPG (que usualmente tienen bastante texto) y preguntando a su alrededor que significan ciertas palabras e ir aprendiendolas por inercia, palabras como Tackle o Growl asi como muchas otras empezaron a formar parte de mi vocabulario gracias a juegos como Pokemon y demas titulos que llegaban a mis manos.
Aca no estoy justificando a los videojuegos como un metodo didactico para aprender el idioma sino que quiero enfatizar en la motivacion, ¿Que te motiva? ¿Que tema puedes adaptar a tu proceso de aprendizaje? siempre he creido que el aprender algo, y en especial un idioma, necesitamos de un catalizador que transforme el proceso de aprender verbos, adjetivos en sus tiempos o conversaciones en algo divertido que con cada paso motive a meterse de cabeza en el tema, esto podemos complementarlo, como hice yo, con clases ya un poco mas formales sobre todo en los niveles mas basicos, en donde las bases deben estar solidas para aprender de lleno el idioma.
A partir de mis primeros contactos con el idioma poco a poco me fui metiendo en algunos cursos en donde podia reforzar tanto mi nivel escrito como mi nivel como interlocutor, al principio resulta complicado para el cerebro realizar los contactos adecuados para entender como se pronuncian ciertas palabras pero para esto solo puedo decir practica, practica y mas practica, eventualmente se creara un habito de aprendizaje y algo hara click en tu cerebro, empezaras a tener conversaciones en tu cabeza y con otras personas en el idioma, sera vergonzoso pero con el tiempo se crea la suficiente confianza para primero mantener conversaciones cortas con palabras simples y luego pasar a sentencias mucho mas completas.
¿Que estrategias use para fortalecer mi aprendizaje?
Notas Post-It: Recuerdo haber usado estas en las primeras etapas en las que estaba aprendiendo palabras y aprendiendo a conjugar verbos, funciona de la siguiente manera: agarra uno de estos post-it y escribe una palabra o un sentencia que necesites aprender, despues pegalo en algun lugar de tu casa en donde frecuentes en cada una de las horas del dia, el baño, la cocina, tu habitacion, de esta forma estaras expuesto al lenguaje e internamente iras asimilandolo de manera mas completa.
Mira contenido en Ingles: Se que sonara algo cliche pero un simple cambio como activar los subtitulos y ver esa serie que te gusta en ingles ayuda bastante a entender la estructura del idioma y a aprender por osmosis, toda la exposicion que puedas tener de tu idioma a aprender es clave.
Toma notas: de las cosas que no entiendas, de las palabras que quieras aprender, de todoo, lleva un registro de cuantas horas al dia estas aprendiendo con tus clases particulares y cuantas horas estas dedicando por tu cuenta, asi tendras un progreso mucho mas claro y un control sobre tus palabras aprendidas.
Pues ahi lo tienes! un poco de motivacion de la vieja escuela para seguir con los estudios, a mi en lo personal el ingles me ha abierto muchisimas puertas a contenido que usualmente esta limitado a ese idioma (papers, tesis, investigaciones) y el solo hecho de aprender un idioma global trae muchos beneficios a nivel personal y laboral, asi que sigan aprendiendo!
Hello Hive Lingual! Pleasure to be here!
First time posting in this community but it's never too late to start again in Hive, I hope to post many more posts here ;D This is a bit of an improvised post, since I can remember I've been exposed to a second language other than Spanish and I want to share some of the techniques that my parents applied with me to reinforce my English, I think it works in general for all kinds of people so I hope it can be useful not only to learn English but any language.
My relationship with English comes from a very young age with my parents, well, in my family in general a good level of English was handled in addition to that much breathed that Western culture with its music, Michael Jackson or rock bands in English was the usual thing to hear in that house and that along with English classes at school introduced me to the first words in the language, I must emphasize that at this age I had no more exposure to the language except with some classes and music but it is during these years that would come to light one of the key motivators for my learning. Video games, just imagine a kid trying to understand the dialogues of some RPG or RPG game (which usually have a lot of text) and asking around him what certain words mean and learning them by inertia, words like Tackle or Growl as well as many others started to be part of my vocabulary thanks to games like Pokemon and other titles that came to my hands.
Here I am not justifying video games as a didactic method to learn the language but I want to emphasize on the motivation, What motivates you? *What subject can you adapt to your learning process? * I have always believed that to learn something, and especially a language, we need a catalyst that transforms the process of learning verbs, adjectives in their tenses or conversations in something fun that with each step motivates to get headlong into the subject, this can be complemented, as I did, with classes and a little more formal especially in the more basic levels, where the foundations must be solid to learn the language fully.
From my first contacts with the language little by little I was getting into some courses where I could reinforce both my written level and my level as an interlocutor, at first it is complicated for the brain to make the right contacts to understand how to pronounce certain words but for this I can only say practice, practice and more practice, eventually you will create a habit of learning and something will click in your brain, you will start having conversations in your head and with other people in the language, it will be embarrassing but with time you will create enough confidence to first have short conversations with simple words and then move on to much more complete sentences.
What strategies did I use to strengthen my learning?
Post-It Notes: I remember using these in the early stages when I was learning words and learning to conjugate verbs, it works like this: grab one of these post-it notes and write a word or a sentence you need to learn, then stick it somewhere in your house where you frequent every hour of the day, the bathroom, the kitchen, your bedroom, this way you will be exposed to the language and internally you will be assimilating it more completely.
Watch content in English: I know it sounds a bit cliche but a simple change like activating the subtitles and watching that series you like in English helps a lot to understand the structure of the language and to learn by osmosis, all the exposure you can have of your language to learn is key.
Take notes: of the things you don't understand, of the words you want to learn, of everything, keep track of how many hours a day you are learning with your private lessons and how many hours you are spending on your own, so you will have a much clearer progress and control over your learned words.
Well there you have it! a little old school motivation to continue with your studies, for me personally English has opened many doors to content that is usually limited to that language (papers, thesis, research) and just learning a global language brings many benefits on a personal and work level, so keep learning!

Yeey you made it to the end of the post :) thanks for joining me today!
Great content!
It's just the same way I struggle with Spanish. I tried to watch La Casa de Papel without looking at the English subtitle below 😅😅😅
It was more interesting, plus I could get the original emotions and feeling that accompanies the actor's voices. This is better than the versions where they translate the vocals to English.
Great post and wonderful one for learning.
Very soon, I hope to share my progress, challenges and concerns with learning Spanish in my environment.
when I was a kid, I hated studying English, but now I realize how important it is!😂
I'm so grateful to my mom for forcing me to study it.
it is a skill that serves you throughout your life, I am always grateful to be able to enjoy the series in its original language thanks to learning