Navigating Life In A Different Language

in Hive Lingual3 years ago

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Do you remember when you went to the store by yourself for the first time? Were you indecisive about what you wanted? Hmm.. take those two facts, and add the fact that you have to look for things, say what you mean, and interact at the register, all in a DIFFERENT LANGUAGE.

That’s what I’ve been dealing with since my family recently moved to Mexico, while I myself am a teenager.

In the state we live in, the weather is nice, and there are lots of cool animals I spot, such as lizards, grasshoppers, and (EEK!) scorpions, but the focus of this article is not on how my life in Mexico is. The subject of this story is how I learned (and am still learning!) spanish in my new home.

Learning a second language is hard, but at the same time, not so hard that it feels impossible.

Before we came to Mexico, I was already a tad familiar with Spanish. In my elementary school, there were lots of kids who spoke the language, and even taught me a few words, like Gato (cat).

And I owe all my knowledge of learning who to count beyond ten to Dora The Explorer from the television network Nickelodeon. She taught me some Spanish words I still remember today, and a game I played featuring Dora counting stars taught me how to count beyond ten, but only two numbers stuck with me: Once (eleven), and Doce (twelve).

When I became a tween, I began using a free spanish app to learn spanish, and my father paid for a subscription to a spanish learning website for me.

When my father announced we were moving to Mexico, I tried my best to learn and memorize the words that meant ‘left’, ‘right’, and ‘straight’ as I knew my family would need those words when navigating the place and trying to tell taxi drivers where we needed to go. Turns out we did need those words, and I’m glad I learned them beforehand.

I came to Mexico with a basic understanding of the most important words, such as ‘Si’ (yes) ‘No’ (no) and ‘bano’ (bathroom). I think I knew the most Spanish out of my whole family at the time, as Mom and Dad had just begun to learn Espanol (Spanish).

The first few weeks I was as quiet and frozen as a deer caught in headlights when it came to speaking with people. Whenever someone spoke Spanish, especially if they were talking to me, I heard a blur of noise coming out of their mouth. I couldn’t catch any words, and everyone seemed to be talking way too fast.

I think it’s because even though I learned how to speak Spanish, I didn't know the dialect of the state we were in.

It’s like someone trying to learn English. You know words and phrases, like, ‘Hello’ and ‘How are you doing?’ but no one really talks that proper. We say ‘Hey’ or ‘sup?’ And instead of ‘How are you doing?’ you might hear a ‘what’s poppin?’ or ‘How’s it going?’

So just because I learned how to say things proper and I learned a few words, doesn’t mean I’ve got the language down pact. The place has their own dialect of Spanish and their own way to say things. Lots of the times when I would say ‘Buenos Dias’ (good day) to people they would say, ‘Bien-dia’ back, fast, as if it’s just one word. I guess it’s a way to say things faster.

Right now, I’m dealing with learning not to freeze up when talking to people and actually trying to hold a conversation. Usually if I can’t understand someone, I freeze up and end up just saying ‘Si’, so I don’t take up someone’s time, especially if I’m in line somewhere.

One time I decided to take me and my brother out for ice cream. It was the rainy season, and the sky was gray as we walked down the sidewalk to the busy part of the neighborhood. I was going to get us ice creams, and go back home as soon as I could!

Once we got there though, I asked the lady at the register how much for two medium ice creams, and she began to speak and I had nearly no idea what she said.

I had a vague number in my head at what I thought she said, so I just said ‘Si’ and looked at the flavors.

I pointed to one and asked “what is this?” in Spanish, and she said something that started with the word ‘Chocolate’ and ended with ‘Gi-yet-ta’. I had no idea what the flavor was, but it looked like chocolate brownie.

I asked for one ice cream that flavor, and one the flavor my brother wanted. She ended up making two ice creams with both the flavors mixed in each.

When she said the total, it was more than what we came with! I was so embarrassed I had to tell her we couldn’t take one, and I ended up buying one medium ice cream for my little bro.

It was so humiliating, leaving with only one ice cream rapidly melting, while we rushed home before the rain. When I got home, my brother shared the ice cream with me. While I ate I kept replaying the scene and found out the lady had said ‘Galleta’ which means ‘Cookie’. That delicious flavor had been Chocolate cookie! Of course I found this out just as I got home! Perfect timing! Not!

I dreaded telling my parents what happened, as I knew they’d be mad at me. They did end up scolding me, but only about how I could have avoided that situation.

I took the scolding personally though, and felt really bad that day. But now, as I look back at that day, I realize my parents were scolding me to help me get better at talking with people in Spanish, and learning that instead of freezing up and just answering ‘Si,’ to everything I don’t understand, try saying ‘say again? Or ‘speak slower’.

But I keep going! Interaction is key to learning spanish and I will get better at this! I’m determined!

Adios for now!

My name is Shila Williams. I am 16 years old and I have been passionate about writing and drawing since I knew how to spell. I grew up in North Carolina, as well as living and traveling abroad. I write to inspire children's minds to imagine and take them on a fun and adventurous journey.

I'm now a published author! Please support my debut children's book! Check it out here on Amazon! Imagination By Shila Willams

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The more you learn the more places you'll go! . 🙏🏽🕯🤸🏽‍♂️🎊

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