greencross cross-posted this post in Electronic Music 4 years ago

Let Me Introduce Myself...

in Musicforlife 🎶4 years ago (edited)

Wut up music fam!
I'm DJ BALANCE. i spin drum and bass. If you've never heard of it, give it half an hour of your time and tell me what you thought, i'd love to read it. Doesn't even have to be my set, just go out there and search for a DNB set and experience the heavy and soft, dark and light, orchestral and atmospheric magic that is drum and bass music. I come from mosh pits and found my home on the DNB dancefloor before picking up the decks. In the great words of Ed Solo, "Music is Music"
That said, Drum and Bass is life and I'm here to show you my side of it.
Here's a mixcloud link to my latest posted set.
