I was on a trip. Had lost job. Divorced. Lost the house. I traveled from missouri to austin texas for the CEHF 6th annual morgellons conference. I was a mess. The conference was a revelation as i made the connection that morgellons is best seen as symptom set of chronic lyme. I had been suffering for years not knowing what it was causing so much dis ease. The trip was actually a death trip. I didnt plan on returning home to missouri. After the conference ended i contemplated going west or going south. I chose south for i was determined to find some peyote or san pedro cactus. So down to laredo for a night and then off i went. Through a handful of checkpoints with my mojo bag in plain site paloma picasso see thru bag. It was a wonderful awful mix. I had gone all in and mixed everything. I wandered down to the rio grande. The real barren dead land of falcon park. I was way out there. Found a coyote skull and put it on a stick. Put cactus in the eye sockets. Next thing i knew i was wandering into a passageway into a big brushy bush. Inside of it i found a ring a circle where there had been a campfire. Around this animal pathway there were large archaic spear points scraper tools. I was the first person to be there in 10,000 years. I felt a surge of connection to those toolmakers some sort of survivalism. It helped me it changed me in many ways. So strange that feeling. This song attempts to convey that feeling.