Python Wizardry: Fetching Liquidity Pools from Hive Engine with a Simple Script

in Learning Python7 months ago (edited)

Not a Python

So, you fancy dabbling with liquidity pools but don’t want to leave your cozy Python cocoon? Well, you're in luck! I've whipped up a small Python script — because why not add more joy to your life, right? — that fetches token pairs for any account you specify. It’s like Pokémon, but instead of Pikachu, you're catching SWAP.ETH. Here’s how you can use it:
python, or use attributes like this:
python accountname TOKEN(:OTHERTOKEN)

Saw this on Reddit

By default, this script keeps it cool with hive-engine and BTC. You can try ALL if you're feeling adventurous, but be warned — Hive Engine has more pairs than a shoe store, and the script might just throw a tantrum (hence why BTC is the default).

Example of the Magic in Action:

Run it like this:

python hive-engine ETH

And voila, you'll see something like this:

Liquidity Pool Positions with ETH token:
Token Pair: SWAP.HIVE:SWAP.ETH | Base Balance: 31206.634533 SWAP.HIVE | Quote Balance: 2.242819 SWAP.ETH
Token Pair: BEE:SWAP.ETH | Base Balance: 42215.817136 BEE | Quote Balance: 1.422489 SWAP.ETH
Token Pair: SWAP.BTC:SWAP.ETH | Base Balance: 0.007309 SWAP.BTC | Quote Balance: 0.169925 SWAP.ETH
Token Pair: SWAP.ETH:SWAP.USDT | Base Balance: 0.151195 SWAP.ETH | Quote Balance: 351.954867 SWAP.USDT
Token Pair: SWAP.ETH:SPS | Base Balance: 0.033753 SWAP.ETH | Quote Balance: 11164.970135 SPS

Using the Script Like a Pro:

If you’re the type who loves to DIY, you can also use the script as a function in your own scripts. Just do a:

from fetch_liquidity_pools import get_filtered_pools

And Bob’s your uncle!

The Secret Sauce — AKA the Script Itself:

Now, I know you’re itching to see the magic behind the curtain, so here it is — all 99 lines of it. (Yes, I counted. Twice.) Don’t worry if it looks like hieroglyphics; I've sprinkled some comments to help you along the way.

import argparse
import requests
from time import sleep

# Hive-Engine API Node
retry_delay = 5  # seconds to wait between retries
max_retries = 3  # Maximum number of retries

# Default values
DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_NAME = 'hive-engine'  # Replace with your actual Hive account name
DEFAULT_FILTER_TOKEN = 'BTC'      # Replace with the desired token to filter, or use 'ALL' to list all tokens

def fetch_liquidity_positions(account_name):
    # Fetch liquidity positions for the given account
    payload = {
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "id": 1,
        "method": "find",
        "params": {
            "contract": "marketpools",
            "table": "liquidityPositions",
            "query": {"account": account_name},
            "limit": 1000

    response =, json=payload)

    if response.status_code != 200:
        print(f"Error: Failed to fetch data. Status Code: {response.status_code}")
        return []

        data = response.json()
    except ValueError:
        print("Error: Failed to parse JSON response.")
        return []

    return data.get('result', [])

def fetch_pool_details(token_pair):
    # Fetch details of the specified liquidity pool
    for attempt in range(max_retries):
        url = HIVE_ENGINE_NODE
        payload = {
            "jsonrpc": "2.0",
            "id": 1,
            "method": "find",
            "params": {
                "contract": "marketpools",
                "table": "pools",
                "query": {"tokenPair": token_pair},
                "limit": 1

        response =, json=payload)

        if response.status_code == 200:
                data = response.json()
            except ValueError:
                print("Error: Failed to parse JSON response.")
                return {}

            if 'result' in data and data['result']:
                return data['result'][0]

        print(f"Error: Failed to fetch pool details for {token_pair}. Status Code: {response.status_code}")
        if attempt < max_retries - 1:
            print(f"Max retries exceeded for {token_pair}. Skipping.")

    return {}

def get_filtered_pools(account_name, filter_token):
    # Get and filter pools by the specified token
    positions = fetch_liquidity_positions(account_name)
    filtered_pools = []

    for position in positions:
        token_pair = position.get('tokenPair', 'Unknown')

        # If filter_token is 'ALL', skip filtering; otherwise, check for the token in the pair
        if filter_token.upper() != 'ALL' and filter_token.upper() not in token_pair.upper():

        shares = float(position.get('shares', '0'))
        pool_details = fetch_pool_details(token_pair)
        if not pool_details:

        total_shares = float(pool_details.get('totalShares', '0'))
        base_quantity = float(pool_details.get('baseQuantity', '0'))
        quote_quantity = float(pool_details.get('quoteQuantity', '0'))

        if total_shares == 0:

        user_base_balance = (shares / total_shares) * base_quantity
        user_quote_balance = (shares / total_shares) * quote_quantity

        if ':' in token_pair:
            base_symbol, quote_symbol = token_pair.split(':')
            base_symbol, quote_symbol = "Unknown", "Unknown"

            "token_pair": token_pair,
            "base_symbol": base_symbol,
            "quote_symbol": quote_symbol,
            "base_balance": user_base_balance,
            "quote_balance": user_quote_balance

    return filtered_pools

def main(account_name, filter_token):
    # Main function to fetch and print filtered pools
    pools = get_filtered_pools(account_name, filter_token)
    print(f"\nLiquidity Pool Positions with {filter_token.upper()} token:")
    for pool in pools:
        print(f"Token Pair: {pool['token_pair']} | Base Balance: {pool['base_balance']:.6f} {pool['base_symbol']} | "
              f"Quote Balance: {pool['quote_balance']:.6f} {pool['quote_symbol']}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Fetch Hive-Engine liquidity pools.')
    parser.add_argument('account_name', nargs='?', default=DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_NAME, help='Hive account name to fetch liquidity pools for.')
    parser.add_argument('filter_token', nargs='?', default=DEFAULT_FILTER_TOKEN, help="Token to filter by, or 'ALL' to list all tokens.")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    main(args.account_name, args.filter_token)

Give it a spin and let me know if it brings you joy or just mild frustration. Either way, I’m here for the feedback!


You have been very busy!
Good to see you and your pet.

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I tried the code and it worked perfectly!


Love it! I also read it a few times and now I get how it works: now I have to check how the library "argparse" works because I may also use it in my code, so I'd like to better understand it :) it looks very straightforward, but I'd like to check what "nargs='?" exactly does.

EDIT: found it!

Thanks for the encouragement! Glad you liked it! It's one of my first Hive-related scripts, so I was kind of anxious letting it out of the gates. (I'm kind of slow releasing these, lol, but I might get faster in time.)

I'm currently rewriting parts of the script, because after testing it for a while I noticed it needs better error handling, especially in situations where the servers act up. But from the command line it usually works best, because in case of error, one can always run it again.

About that nargs='?', it just lets the script continue with no arguments, basically it falls back to using the default variable set for account_name.

Anotated 👍👏