Fishing update from my house river

in FISHING!2 years ago (edited)

Dear community,

This post is an update to share my recent fishing experience and catches from the last weeks.

Perches are the fish i usually want to catch, this year i caught quite a few about this size of 20 to 30 cm. It is a beautiful fish and very nice eating. We usually fry it on skin or if i feel fancy i cut some fillets out of it and fry them in oil. I can share some recipies if anyone is interested. Just let me know in the comments.

Another fish i caught a lot this year are Asps. This one must be the biggest i caught so far and it was quite a fight to get him out of the water. There are even bigger ones around but they are hard to catch.

If i am nit mistaken is this species actually a hybrid between Asp and an Ide. The smaller scales and the red fins are indicator for this species.

I always enjoy to watch the wildlife around me while fishing. Here was a fox strolling at the the other sides river bank. Unfortunately could i only take this blurry snapshot with my phone.

Here again a Gobie, quite a pest recently. But it is supposed to be tasty, maybe i will try one day.

On of my favorite spots this year

Some deer roaming on the other side of the river. Hope they don't fight with the fox🙂

Really no shortage of Perch this year

Unfortunately do i come across spots like this as well. I always carry a garbage bag to clean up.

It looks at least a bit better, there was still much more scattered in the bushes. It is really a shame!

This little fellow seems to be a more pure Asp, the body shape is less round and bigger scales.

I saw some deer running over a field when i was going to another spot. I think it was scared if me.

Another small Asp

And more Perch

Another nice spot, with a beaver in the neighborhood.

Can you see the tail?

They are actually quite big and always eating.

At the end i want to share a nice sunset. Which i saw at one of my favorite fishing spots.

I hope you enjoyed my little fishing post. I would love to know what fish you caught this year? If you have any questions, please feel free to ask or leave me a comment if you like the post.

Thank you for stopping by!

Have a great week and see you soon!


Damn, what country do you live in? Such beautiful fishing spots! I love perch too, but always catch and release as our fishing stocks are declining rapidly in Belgium!

Thanks, this is actually not to far from Belgium in Germany. I think catch and release is often the right thing to do. Unfortunately is there a law in Germany which obligates you to kill the fish and take it with you, if the fish has reached the required minimum size and is not in close season. The idea is that people only should go fishing when they want to catch fish for food. And not just for "fun". In my opinion this law does make not much sense but it is what it is. Thank you so much for your nice comment!

Wow that's amazing.

Thank you for your kind comment ❤

Welcome my dear friend.