I was trying to put myself in the shoes of a sceptical "no coiner" who is lazy AF and is used to waving his iPhone next to the vendor's PoS terminal.
What can I tell such a person? I can't tell him it's easier, because it's not.
I can't tell him it's for the discounts because to get them, he'd have to put in some work, and he's too lazy for that.
He's also typically too dense to think about the next "Crowdstrike", he'd simply shrug when confronted with that.
He's too egotistical to care about the local economic fabric, the small shops who barely survive.
To such a typical user, the only thing that possibly works is ... envy! "My friend paid with crypto? I HAVE to pay with crypto too!"
you're so right - the only cachet!
How is Offchain Luxembourg going?
Going great, thank you for asking, we are very busy working toward our (self-imposed) deadline - we want to notify the whitepaper to the "national competent authority" by Nov 22nd so that we can officially kick-off the offer on Dec. 30th, when MiCA enters into application.
Therefore I didn't have enough time to post detailed updates. Do you follow us on LinkedIn ? Look up OffChain Luxembourg page, if you ever wander there, we have a 3-strong marketing and communication team of volunteers who is posting over there on twice a day. I thought I would have them post on Hive in addition but that's asking too much of them at this point
The involvement sounds great. Good to hear it is going well. LinkedIn keeps offering me jobs if I login, I wouldn't mind but they are all "Seriously?" kinds of jobs.