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RE: Вакцина!

in Team Ukraine2 years ago

This isn't the place to ask "what should I do" after apparently the doctors suggested that you diagnose and treat the issue yourself, the best advice I have is to seek a professional who's accredited and has the experience, but as this plandemic showed, the real doctors are few and far between and if the fraud didn't make them quit/resign, or were fired for refusing the deadly injection or for refusing to prescribe treatments which were ineffective and chose instead to do otherwise than it should be obvious that most of those that remain are compromised. So the real question is where do you look for a doctor to treat you, if going to the hospital is "treat it yourself, and all I can think of is to ask around, to call independent physicians which have their own office and can consult you outside the hospital. They will probably rely on laboratories to test your blood and other things, but would prescribe treatments as they think best and hopefully if needed will refer you to whatever specialist that you require. Hope you find help.