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RE: Wartime Diary, Kyiv, 25.05.22

in Team Ukraine3 years ago (edited)

Bucha was ukrop.

Ukrainian militant declares on camera that he shoots people without trial or investigation (around Kiev)

French national reveals what is happening in Ukraine (talks directly about witnessing Bucha being staged)

The Murdered Children:

As a linguist, it seems to me that a person who believes that learning a language is superfluous seems narrow-minded to me. First, numerous studies show that learning languages ​​is an excellent prevention of dementia and other disorders. Secondly, languages ​​are a window into the world of information, especially languages ​​that are among the five most widely used in the world. You can read research, interviews, watch movies and consume other important and interesting content in the original language. You get to know the culture better. How can one even admit the possibility of not learning languages ​​(especially English) in schools? Denying progress is like standing in front of a moving bulldozer. Absolutely useless and pointless. I think my readers, as intelligent and thinking people, will agree with me.

Simply, they know Russian. I do find it hilarious that you ridicule his opinion regarding something that if it was coming from Ukraine, it would be Nationalism, and you do so, after calling Crimea, a SHAM government. The euromaidan sniper massacre was carried out entirely by and from euromaidan occupied buildings. Meanwhile no justice for Odessa, still.

Russophobic British and Russophobic American Politicians, along with various other English speaking countries' Politicians don't represent the majority of people, despite the whole "free and fair elections" rhetoric, as 2000 mules documented, yet these politicians are a large part of what gets through to Russia and Crimea, as both the Political and Media are captured in large part by these Russophobic Criminals Independent Agents, so I don't blame Russians for proposing that they stop teaching their people English, or have or want anything to do with English and English speakers. You can ridicule him all day long for a fringe opinion, but where did Snowden flee to? Jillian Asange meanwhile is a Spy?


I agree with OKTOP. The opinion of vladimir konstantinov is absolutely ri di cu lous and non sense !

You are really a strange person : I speak about "learning a language is superfluous".... not about your bullshit comment.... Consult a psychanalyst will help you to save time...

Agree with Hive, Baah needs urgently assistance from a psy