Who's responsible for the lack of justice regarding Odessa? Who made it illegal to protest against mobilization? Who is to blame for the lack of justice regarding the massacres in Kiev? Who's to blame for the lack of justice regarding the numerous war crimes documented and committed by Azov, Donbass Aidar and other militant groups? Who's to blame for the hundreds of activists missing since euromaidan from Kiev and the rest of the country? Who's to blame for the glorification of Nazi Collaborators which committed horrible crimes, documented atrocities? Who's to blame for the over 80% of the 14000 dead in Donbass in the rebel controlled zones? Who's to blame for the impunity with which neo Nazi parade, at the place of their documented massacre, and hold celebratory marches on the day marking that atrocity?
Independent Western scholars have documented the fascist origins, contemporary ideology and declarative symbols of Svoboda and its fellow-traveling Right Sector. Both movements glorify Ukraine’s murderous Nazi collaborators in World War II as inspirational ancestors. Both, to quote Svoboda’s leader Oleh Tyahnybok, call for an ethnically pure nation purged of the “Moscow-Jewish mafia” and “other scum,” including homosexuals, feminists and political leftists. And both hailed the Odessa massacre. According to the website of Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh, it was “another bright day in our national history.” A Svoboda parliamentary deputy added, “Bravo, Odessa…. Let the Devils burn in hell.” If more evidence is needed, in December 2012, the European Parliament decried Svoboda’s “racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic views [that] go against the EU’s fundamental values and principles.” In 2013, the World Jewish Congress denounced Svoboda as “neo-Nazi.” Still worse, observers agree that Right Sector is even more extremist.