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RE: Dark Whispers - My mental health issues and treatment

in Team Ukraine11 months ago

Yes! One Day. While reading, I couldn't help the memories that struck me of what I felt throughout last year.

Being sick and going through therapy isn't easy. It is tough, but the moment we ask for help and accept the help given, it helps take one out of depression that may occur.

Music is magical, and it heals us more than we know. I have found myself listening to Enya's song recently, and it has been helping with my mind. Calming things and serving as a remainder that things will get right on track again.

Thanks for sharing this.


going through therapy isn't easy

It took me a lot of courage to do that because the culture from where I belong considers mental health as taboo and people never take psychological issues seriously. I was suffering and had a severe mental breakdown and blackout and that's when I knew I needed help. Still, now I have a few issues but I am learning how to deal with those...

I heard about Enya but never listened to her song. Gonna listen to it tomorrow. I developed a very specific taste of music and I mostly like Russian music even though I don't understand half of their song 🤣. I am a fan of Weekend, Dream Theatre, and Eminem so you can guess, where my anxiety level goes... 🤣

Wow, this is exactly African style. Here, too, things like going for therapy are unheard of. They believe you face whatever you are going through... and so much more. I wished I had therapy sessions with the sickness that took hold of me for months. But, there's nothing like that here.

However, I am glad you are you took this route to tale care of what you are facing. It was a bravest and a wise thing to do.

Oh, you should, and I'd love to hear your feedback. That's it about music, you don't need to understand what's said to enjoy it. I love Eminen, too... super crazy with his raps. Heheh.

They believe you face whatever you are going through

Exactly... I think it's cultural and that's why I had difficulties at first seeing therapists.

I wished I had therapy sessions with the sickness that took hold of me for months. But, there's nothing like that here.

I am so sorry you had to go through this phase, it's a very difficult phase and like yours, unfortunately in my homeland, there is nothing called a therapist...

I am just listening Orinoco flow by Enya recommended by @ellenripley while writing this comment. Her music is actually soothing. Well, Eminem is something, I am a fan of his mocking bird and stan...

Yes, it sure is. I understand, I am glad you passed that.

Thank you. I am healing from the stress it gave me mentally, financially, physically, and emotionally. I am trying to be okay with them all.

Wow, that's sweet. I love that, and there is music of hers you'd find yourself loving more as you dive more into her music world. Thanks to Ellen for recommending that, and there's another one titled, "Only time."

Haha, mocking bird it is! My fiance is crazy about this too😂. I also stan and re-stan with Slimshady. Hehe. I love his songs...gosh! I am glad to talk to you about lots of things.

I am healing from the stress it gave me mentally, financially, physically, and emotionally. I am trying to be okay with them all.

I am glad, if you wanna talk, we can connect privately... It would be nice to know you more...

Oh, that will be nice. Same here as well 😊.