Diary of the temporarily displaced person

in Team Ukraine3 years ago


For the first time I live in another city for indefinite period of time. Not during traveling.

While in Kyiv now there is no reason for me to be there - without combat skills (in Lviv I solve the issue of my own usefulness with the military office, but it is not fast), without a car - almost no volunteer work I can do to be useful either. But here, where I am now, I go to help a little in the place where refugees are brought. Before that a little help in other place, I hope it was useful things.

Went shopping at the local market "bazaar". To improve the feeling of comfort, I bought slippers for the house, a geyser coffee maker and several pairs of socks.

Here is my bed - a Polish inflatable mat, which is probably unsuitable for harsh hikes, on the floor is quite ok.

Travel skills, for example to sleep anywhere, now in our Ukrainian life are valuable and useful.

The alcohol prohibition (during war time) is a little annoying, but not so bad.

Became more addicted to coffee.



Приємно, коли люди готові працювати і бути корисними задля своєї країни. Можливо я наївний, але ваші повідомлення - це уже вагома допомога нації. Продовжуємо в то му ж дусі.

Все буде Україна! Правда за нами, як казав ШЕВЧЕНКО

"В своїй хаті своя й правда,
І сила, і воля."