Parents put so much pressure on their children to do well academically but I was also rubbish at math. When I left school, I realised that as long as I could add up etc the other shite they were trying to teach me didn't matter. I hope parents are different these days.
You've done remarkably well in your life despite what you have been through.
My parents always gave me a feeling of being in a race, a competition, and the pressure was like a pressure cooker. I dealt with that but somehow it stays. Today I had EMDR again and I must say once again it's more tough than I have imagined. It drains all of my energy... I was so drained that I lost my bus card and I realized when I had to pay for the bus. Anyway, I came home for free though I lost some money which was in the card 😁.
I think future parents ought to have an exam to see if they are cut out to be parents! I wouldn't let some of them look after a stick insect. Kids ought to be nurtured and allowed to do what they want, career wise. Not everyone wants to be a high achiever.
Oh dear about the bus card. I've been reading up about the treatment. It sounds interesting for want of a better word. Next time you go, check that you have everything because you will be knackered when you get out. ❤️
Exactly and I believe raising a kid is very hard in the current world. I guess you are already aware of this generation, digital world. Kids are more into video games rather than playing outside...
I will definitely gonna do that and I am glad I didn't lose my wallet. If I did that, I would be doomed...
I'm glad I was bought up in the age when we just had a yoyo to play with lol.
No, don't lose your wallet!