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RE: A day of void and emptiness - A page of my "Depressive Diary"

I read this post a while ago, but then I got busy with Olivia and forgot about it (such is motherhood). Today I remembered it again and I take advantage of Olivia being asleep to hug you from a distance and tell you that you are so strong! That you can do it! Sometimes I feel like you, alone, and come on I have my husband and my baby here but I also miss my siblings, my friends, my mom, and I am sure that someday I will see them again.


Trust me I am feeling really happy to know that at least you remember my post because I can imagine mom's life only and many things get skip from mind so easily when you are busy with your toddler. You really understood my point and loneliness; the life I actually miss. Meeting friends and family always special and I actually miss my friends. How's Olivia doing? I bet she is growing so fast. Give my love to her dear...

That's right friend, so busy and tired that sometimes I feel guilty for feeling sad. I guess you and I just live in the now missing a lot of things.

Thanks for asking. We are doing well, Olivia recovering from the allergy dermatitis she has, but overall well, we are sure she will get over it soon. Yes, she is so big, I can't hold her in my arms much longer hahaha .