کمک به یک فامیل که از مزار آمده و نان آور ندارد

in Team Ukraine4 years ago

اسلام علیکم دوست های عزیز امیدوار هستم که خوب باشین و صحت مند باشین.

امروز بنیاد خیریه یک فامیل را کمک کرد که از مزار
‌ آمده بود و نان خودره نداشد

Posted Using Aeneas.Blog


I've commented about your spam before. You know I don't like it and that I've been downvoting you due to that. @charityball explained to you why your cheating the platform got you banned from posting on chary.org.

POB RichlistNow you've stopped using the #chary tag and started using the #proofofbrain tag. I've got news for you. Check the . I currently have 3798 POB staked putting me in the top 25 highest staking accounts. I get POB every day by actively curating so that amount is just going to grow. If you keep trying to use the #proofofbrain tag on your low effort posts and copy-paste your replies to other users' posts part of that daily curation I do will be 100% downvoting you on proofofbrain.io.

@proofofbrainio will eventually notice you and you'll be just as banned from posting on proofofbrain.io as you are on chary.org. Please stop trying to cheat the platform. There is no honor in spamming and getting banned from every tribe.