Regarding the "offensive" on Kharkiv...🤦‍♂️

in Team Ukraine10 months ago (edited)

Щодо "наступу" на Харків...🤦‍♂️

Російська пропаганда поширює ІПСО про "наступ" на Харків з початку 2024 року і особливо інтенсивно з кінця лютого - початку березня.

З цього ж періоду розумні люди, а не істеричні балакучі голови, послідовно і з розстановкою пояснювали, чому російські окупаційні війська зараз не мають ресурсів для проведення повномасштабної операції з оточення і захоплення Харкова, але будуть продовжувати тактику нанесення ударів по місту і особливо - прикордонній зоні, а також здійснювати диверсійно-терористичні вилазки ротними групами в прикордонну зону.

За останні місяці тільки я дав не те що кілька, а, напевно, більше сотні інтерв'ю на тему "Харківської наступальної операції", не просто пояснюючи, а буквально розжовуючи, що буде, з чого почнеться і як на це реагувати. І після того, як здавалося, що істерія почала виникати на всіх інформаційних майданчиках, які тільки можна було висвітлити, як тільки почало відбуватися те, про що попереджали, і не більше, не менше.

Особливо в цьому плані продовжують радувати журналісти, причому ті самі, яким я, як пінгвінам, вкладав у дзьоби послідовність подій і обмежені можливості БПЛА, але які зараз дзвонять мені (не пишуть в WhatsApp, а саме дзвонять) і запитують: Олександре, наступ на Харків почався, так????


Зараз все відбувається саме так, як і передбачалося. Не більше, не менше.

Якщо хочете почути мої коментарі з цього приводу, почитайте мої пости місячної давнини. Наберіть у пошуковику фразу "наступ на Харків" і вперед. Але якщо ви істерик і адепт російської ІПСО, то вам нічого не допоможе.

Russian propaganda has been spreading IPSO about the "offensive" on Kharkiv since the beginning of 2024 and especially intensively since the end of February - beginning of March.

Since the same period, intelligent people, not hysterical talking heads explained consistently and with the arrangement, why the Russian occupation troops now do not have the resources to conduct an all-arms operation to encircle and capture Kharkov, but they will continue the tactics of strikes on the city and especially - the border zone, as well as to undertake sabotage and terrorist sorties of company groups in the border zone.

Over the past months, I alone have given not just a few, but probably more than a hundred interviews on the topic of "Kharkiv offensive" not just explaining, but literally chewing out what will happen, where it will start and how to respond to it. And after it seemed that hysteria began to arise on every information platform that could be covered, as soon as what was warned about began to happen, and no more, no less.

Especially in this regard, journalists continue to delight, and the same ones to whom I, like penguins, put the sequence of events and the limited capabilities of the ROV in their beaks, but who are now calling me (not writing in WhatsApp, but calling) and asking: Alexander, the offensive on Kharkiv has begun, yes????


Now everything is happening exactly as foreseen. No more, no less.

If you want to hear my comments on this, read my posts from a month ago. Type in the search phrase "offensive on Kharkiv" and go ahead. But if you are hysterical and an adherent of Russian IPSO, then nothing will help you.

НАЧАЛОСЬ НАСТУПЛЕНИЕ НА ХАРЬКОВЩИНУ. Пехота была разбита, техника уничтожена - Peer Video Club

Title: Analytical Report and Forecast: Understanding the "Offensive" on Kharkiv

Annotation: This report provides analysis and forecasts regarding the ongoing narrative of an "offensive" on Kharkiv propagated by Russian propaganda. It emphasizes the limited resources of Russian occupation forces and predicts tactics such as strikes, sabotage, and terrorism in the border area. The report aims to counter hysteria and misinformation with informed insights.

About the "offensive" on Kharkiv...🤦‍♂️

Russian propaganda has been spreading IPSO about an "offensive" on Kharkiv since the beginning of 2024, and especially intensively since late February - early March.

Since the same period, intelligent people, not hysterical talking heads, have consistently and with a clear-cut explanation of why the Russian occupation forces do not have the resources to conduct a full-scale operation to surround and capture Kharkiv, but will continue the tactics of striking the city and especially the border area, as well as conducting sabotage and terrorist attacks by company groups in the border area.

In recent months, I alone have given not just a few, but probably more than a hundred interviews on the topic of the "Kharkiv offensive," not just explaining, but literally chewing over what will happen, where it will start, and how to respond. And after it seemed that hysteria began to emerge on all the information platforms that could be covered, as soon as what they had warned about began to happen, and no more, no less.

In this regard, I am especially pleased with journalists, the same ones who I have been putting in their beaks like penguins, the sequence of events and the limited capabilities of UAVs, but who are now calling me (not WhatsApp, but calling) and asking questions: Alexander, the offensive on Kharkiv has begun, yes????

Has it really?

Now everything is happening exactly as expected. No more, no less.

If you want to hear my comments on this, read my posts from a month ago. Type in the phrase "attack on Kharkiv" in a search engine and go ahead. But if you are a hysteric and an adherent of the Russian IPSO, then nothing will help you.

Keywords: misinformation, informed insights

#AnalyticalReport #Forecast #KharkivOffensive #RussianPropaganda #OccupationForces #BorderArea #Strikes #Sabotage #Terrorism #Misinformation #InformedInsights #CounterHysteria #AnalyticalThinking #MilitaryAnalysis #GeopoliticalForecast #ConflictAnalysis #InformationWarfare #MediaAnalysis

Editorial Comment:
The ongoing narrative of an "offensive" on Kharkiv requires careful analysis amidst a deluge of propaganda and misinformation. This report aims to provide clarity and insight into the situation, countering hysteria with informed observations.


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