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RE: A phase of silence - 11 months dealing with depression and PTSD

in Team Ukrainelast year

Hey :( Big hugs, first of all.

Secondly. It sounds as though the therapist wasn't very sensitive and went too fast. I've understood that if you dissociate during trauma processing, that you can embed the trauma further. It sounds like this may have happened?

There are so many "therapists" running around who are just shit, quite frankly :( In it for the ego and money. The end. This makes me super angry actually. But me and my son had two plus years of PTSD to unpack because of exactly this.

And our local police force. God bless their ignorant, gender biased socks. 😡

Anyhoo. You do have a choice here, my friend. Recovery is possible. Perhaps when you feel safe enough to continue. Or decide whether you want to. Or whether you need to.

Perhaps this is recovery? And the highs and lows of PTSD are gone and the middle ground feels "flat" ?

You could always find a good plant medicine person as well and try Psilocybin
if it's legal in your area. It is in some US states now. In conjunction with a good coach/mentor/therapist if you must, for emotional support, and physical rebuild of the nervous system, this, could help.

Be patient. Recovery takes time <3


It sounds as though the therapist wasn't very sensitive and went too fast. I've understood that if you dissociate during trauma processing, that you can embed the trauma further.

Yes unfortunately I was the last patient for my EMDR therapist before her last day so she was in a rush and yes because of the dissociate processing, other traumas arrived.

But me and my son had two plus years of PTSD to unpack because of exactly this.

That's a long time... :(

Perhaps this is recovery? And the highs and lows of PTSD are gone and the middle ground feels "flat"?

Perhaps but my psychiatrist said this is not the case, my case is slightly different. I not only have PTSD, but I have some other issues as well and have past history. I didn't mention it here...


Yes, it's available here but I don't know if that is legal or not. I can ask my doctor about it...

Thank you so much for the wonderful suggestions and such great conversation...

I'm glad you've got support and are continuing with your recovery :)

Yes, it did take a long time for me, but I didn't have support mostly. And I am still in the situation that caused the PTSD. So if I can "fix" it while I'm still in it then you can fix it with resilience, focus and time. It must be possible, right?

Always a pleasure to meet people who are busy journeying and making progress. I think it's important for us to share and support each other :)