War ... What's on the other side of the border? En / Ua

in Team Ukraine3 years ago (edited)



How drastically life and priorities change if there is a sudden war! I just moved into my new house in November 2021, continuing to renovate and renovate the house. And now everything has lost its meaning. Beautiful, expensive things, clothes ... There is only one goal - to be warm, to have something to eat, to be safe ... What to talk about here - women in Kyiv give birth to children in basements and subways! Even in our worst dreams, we could not think that this could happen again!
On February 24 (after a beautiful holiday of 18 years of my Victoria) my son called me and said: Mom, did you sleep? The war has begun !!! Gather the necessary things and move closer to the border.
It so happened that my adult children were far abroad, and my granddaughter was in Ukraine. And so I was assigned a mission - to pick up the children and come to Poland. At first I was advised to take the electric train to Przemyśl, but after standing for 8 hours in the tunnel of the station, where refugees, mad with fear and despair, were pushing in both directions, I gave up on this crazy idea. There people could throw each other under the train or strangle my children !!!

Наскільки кардинально змінюється життя та пріоритети, якщо раптом війна! Я щойно вселилась в свій новий будинок в листопаді 2021 року, продовжуючи робити ремонт та облаштовувати дім. А тепер все втратило значення. Красиві, дорогі речі, одяг... Є лише одна ціль - щоб було тепло, було що їсти, щоб була безпека... Про що тут говорити - жінки в Києві народжують дітей в підвалах та метро! Нам навіть в найстрашнішому сні не могло приснитись, що таке знову може статись!
24 лютого ( після гарного свята 18 років моєї Вікторії) мені подзвонив син і сказав: мамо ти виспалась? Почалась війна!!! Збирай необхідні речі і перебирайтесь поближче до кордону.
Так склалось, що мої дорослі діти були далеко закордоном, а внучка була в Україні. І ось мені доручили місію - забрати дітей і приїхати до Польщі. Спочатку порадили сісти на електропоїзд до Перемишля, але простоявши 8 годин в тунелі вокзалу, де в обидві сторони пхалися обезумівші від страху та відчаю біженці, я відмовилась від цієї божевільної ідеї. Там люди могли скинути один одного під поїзд або задушити моїх дітей!!!




Тюльпани подаровані на 18 років Вікторії залишились стояти біля панорамного вікна. Джип мого покійного тата, заправлений бензином стоїть надворі, готовий їхати в далеку путь... Бензину може не бути, тому куплені каністри стоять заховані надворі. Видають лише по 20 л. Я відкинувши страх, вперше сіла за кермо без інструктора.
І ось батько дітей сказав: їдьте! Так нам буде спокійніше зупинити ворога, коли ми знаємо що жінки та діти в безпеці.

Tulips donated to 18-year-old Victoria remained standing by the panoramic window. My late dad's jeep, filled with gasoline, is standing outside, ready to go on a long journey ... There may be no gasoline, so the purchased canisters are hidden outside. Issued only 20 liters. Rejecting my fear, I got behind the wheel for the first time without an instructor.
And, behold, the father of the children said: Go away. This will make it easier for us to stop the enemy when we know that women and children are safe.





It was snowing that last night before I left. My dear native pine forest and the marble frosty peaceful sky above it. I have to leave my beautiful warm home, which I finally got. There is food and a warm cozy bed. But I understand that bandits can come here tomorrow, and then men will fight, and we need to go away, pray and wait!

В цей останній вечір перед моїм від'їздом падав сніг. Мій дорогий рідний сосновий ліс і мармурове морозне мирне небо над ним. Я повинна покинути свій красивий теплий дім, який я нарешті отримала. Там є їжа і тепле затишне ліжко. Але я розумію що завтра бандити можуть прийти сюди, і тоді чоловіки будуть боротись, а нам треба їхати геть, молитись та чекати!





But how to cross the border? People stand on the border with Poland for several days! And we went to Hungary. On the way there were checkpoints that restrained traffic, and men of the territorial guard stopped cars, checked documents. So we drove a long time in the snowy Carpathians!
A plate of hot Bograch in a cozy cafe by the road. Such simple things that non-human beasts stole from civilians there in Kyiv and Kharkiv .....! !! !!
And so we came to the Hungarian border. Our men are returning home to defend their homeland. And we hugged goodbye and went to the pedestrian crossing between Ukraine and Hungary. Will we see each other again, my dears? Will I return to my home? I will believe and pray!
We are running towards an unknown life. Such beautiful clouds in the frosty sky. Why did someone want to destroy, to destroy this wonderful life given to us by the Creator? There are two forces fighting here on Earth. The good - wants to create and the evil - wants to destroy ...

Але як перетнути кордон? На кордоні з Польщею люди стоять по кілька днів! І ми поїхали до Угорщини. По дорозі були блок пости, які стримували рух, і чоловіки територіальної охорони зупиняли машини, перевіряли документи. Отож ми їхали довго по засніжених Карпатах!
Тарілка гарячого Бограчу в затишному кафе при дорозі. Такі прості речі, які звірі нелюди вкрали у мирних людей там в Києві та Харкові..... ! ! !
І ось ми приїхали до кордону Угорщини. Наші чоловіки повертаються додому захищати рідну Землю. А ми обнявшись на прощання, ідемо до пішого переходу між Україною та Угорщиною. Чи побачимось ми знову, рідні мої? Чи повернусь я до рідного дому? Я буду вірити та молитись!
Ми біжимо назустріч невідомому життю. Такі чудові хмаринки на морозному небі. Чому комусь захотілось розрушити, знищити це чудове подароване нам Творцем життя? Є дві сили, які воюють тут на Землі. Добро, яке хоче творити та Зло яке хоче знищити...






Fear and despair of the people around me. I felt the whole truth and horror of what these people went through while fleeing the shelling! And so we missed and we got on a big warm bus, where the volunteers were waiting! It is an incredible feeling that neighboring countries are ready to help! A woman came in and asked in Ukrainian: when was the last time you ate? Maybe you want to drink? We were given a sandwich, water, apples. I was taken to the train for free ... I was riding in the first seat of the bus and an incredible feeling of happiness enveloped me - there are people on Earth for whom compassion and desire to help, love of neighbor are more important than power and painful ambitions ... They are peaceful warriors, which help our fighters stand up for freedom by ensuring the safety of their wives and children. Because our war is no more! There is a war on our planet Earth that affects everyone and everyone must stop evil. If today someone is indifferent to someone's grief, tomorrow it may affect you too!
Love will stop aggression! I believe.

Чотири години в черзі на морозі... Люди були без документів і процедура проходження кордону була довгою.
Страх і відчай людей довколо мене. Я відчула всю правду і жах того що пережили ці люди, втікаючи від обстрілів! І ось нас пропустили і ми сіли в великий теплий автобус, де волонтери чекали ! Це неймовірне відчуття, що сусідні країни готові допомагати! Зайшла жінка і українською мовою запитала: коли ви востаннє їли? Може ви хочете пити? Нам дали сендвіч , воду, яблука. Безкоштовно відвезли до поїзда... Я їхала на першому сидінні автобуса і якесь неймовірне почуття щастя огортало мене - є на Землі люди, для яких співчуття і бажання допомогти, любов до ближнього важливіше ніж влада та хворобливі амбіції... Вони тут мирні воїни, які допомагають нашим бійцям стояти за свободу, забезпечуючи безпеку їх дружинам та дітям. Тому що вже немає нашої війни! Є війна на нашій планеті Земля, яка стосується всіх і всі повинні зупинити зло. Якщо сьогодні комусь байдуже чиєсь горе, завтра це може торкнутись і тебе!

Любов зупинить агресію! Я вірю.


Hello my dear, I just hope you are safe. I am sorry to hear about that. In that situation with cold weather must be more hard. In my country as my family and I pray for the world that the war will end soon and no more people will die and get risk in both countries.

I need your support. It got colder before we left. Mothers with children in their arms at the border risked becoming ill. But, thank God, we crossed the border and now we are safe. Our men now stand quietly for Ukraine.Thank you dear @mich.brmey!

Olga my queen of Lviv, Bugavi is already a princess of legal age, when I hear news from Ukraine I remember you.

We don't know what we are capable of and we show what we are made of in difficult times, driving with frozen and wet floors is not easy and you have achieved it by mastering the Suzuki Jimmy.

I am praying for you from this side of the world, so that God will keep you all, keep your house and belongings, pray a lot, give your burdens to God, have peace and eat well and take care of the princesses even more.

I'm glad to hear from you, a warm hug from the tropics.

I'm glad to hear from you! I am happy that my Victoria has come of age. Now the two of us are much stronger. When traveling to foreign countries, I need healthy young eyes, because I see only with glasses. It is also well-versed in Google maps. We hope that we will be able to financially provide food and shelter for ourselves. I believe that very soon God will stop this terrible aggression and we will return to our peaceful and prosperous Ukraine!Thank you my dear friend @theonlyway!

I regret in my soul the situation your family is going through, and all your people; It is not fair that people have to live in fear, when there are organizations where conflicts can be resolved without violence and in peace
You are very right, love will prevail over aggression
Every night we include in our prayers for the peace of your peopleHello dear friend @olga.maslievich good night

Oh, dear @jlufer! I am so grateful to you for your prayers! I believe that God will save all who hope in him!

Добре що змогли виїхати. Бажаю вам щастя на новій землі.🙏.
А машину прийшлось залишити, якщо я правильно зрозумів?

Так. Наші хлопці довезли нас до кордону і повернулись на машині додому.

Сподіваюсь ваша сім'я в безпеці? Віримо, що вони будуть сильні і мудрі, щоб чинити правильні дії і разом зупинити агресію. Дякую, @valera7368 за добрі слова.

Моя сім'я в Харкові , в стороні від лінії фронту, але все одно страшно

I traveled in one of the trains going from the Polish-Ukrainian border through Krakow to Prague. There were hundreds of refugees on the train, mostly mothers with kids. It was the most heartbreaking and emotional train ride in my life.

Stay strong Ukraine, we all are with you!

@tipu curate 4

At such moments we change a lot when we realize that our life is hanging by a thread. Thank you @phortun for your sympathy!

It´s not just me or my country. The whole world has a deep solidarity with you guys. Keep up the heroic fight!

Я рада що вам все вдалось!!!
Росія буде покарана за свою агресію. На жаль слова нашого Шевченка таки були пророчі: "І вражою злою кров'ю волю окропіте..."

Це правда. Це страшно, але можливо іншого шляху не було. Я пишаюся нашими чоловіками. Їх силою духу, взаємопідтримкою! Я пишаюсь нашими волонтерами! Те що я відчула тут на кордоні, як люди готові допомогти, накормити, жертвуючи своїм часом і здоров'ям. Любов це всеперемагаюча сила!
Дякую @lilideleopolis. Бажаю тобі бути в безпеці!

Дякую!!! Сподіваюся це жахіття швидко закінчиться...

my thoughts and hopes are with you and your girls @olga.maslievich it is difficult to understand how this could happen in 2022. You are a strong woman, your courage and that of all Ukrainians will win through. It is easy for me to say this 1000's of miles away I know, but I hope you take comfort that one day you will return to your homeland. Stay safe 💏 💕

Thank you friend @grindle! I appreciate your support! I left my favorite home full of food and warmth for those in need. I went in an unknown direction with tears in my eyes, leaving my beautiful Ukraine, where the first snowdrops will soon come out from under the snow! I love this time of year March, soon March 19th will be my birthday. I don't know where I will be, but I believe that I will return to my peaceful home someday ...

yes keep strong ❤️

Fucking hell, @olga.maslievich. I don't know what to say and I'd be better off not saying anything, but I'm praying for you all. Stay safe.

Thank youYou are right, @mrprofessor! There are no words to express the horror and despair of war! We are powerless to change anything, but I believe - God will stop this Evil !!!

I'm so sorry that you had to run away from your home :-(
Stay safe!

Thank you for your words of encouragement! We are grateful to the people on the other side of the border for their help!

It's terrible what is happening in Ukraine right now, I'm sorry to read you have been forced to leave, but at least you are safe now. Stay safe!

Yes, I and my children are safe! And I hope that my warm home and the food I left in it will be useful for people who have suffered more, and for men who protect our Ukraine!

Hope you guys are hanging in there and staying safe! Stay strong. sending love your way,

Thank you for your support 😙

Sending reiki energies to you all! You will return to your house soon. This has been a long time coming and we as a species need to stand up to these aggressive leaders on all sides. We are not their pawns to play with. Keep strong we are all on your side. We can't trust the media so you are our eye and ears 🙏🏽 💯🐒

Thank you for your positive energy message! May God hear your words so that we may return to a peaceful Ukraine!
Of course, I will inform the hive community about the real situation in Ukraine, which my husband who stayed there informs me!

This has an impact on the world not only the violence but the energy we ALL need to change this vibration for the better. Thank you for you efforts and sending reiki energy to your husband and his brave work 🙏🏽

my heart felt prayers go to everyone on that side
and i wish you safety even through this hard times

Thank you ❤️
Your words of support are important to us!

you are welcome my friend
we can always count on each other

Hello, yes one day love will triumph over aggression. We have no other choice. I hope we will have a much safer and calmer world in the future.

The Lord has warned of the last terrible and hard times! But He promised to stop the evil someday! We must trust and trust Him!

Hi @olga.maslievich. I am so sorry you and your family are caught in this nightmare. I hope you and yours find safety soon, and that your men who are now fighting in Ukraine stay safe, also.

Thank you dear @honeydue for your support! We are safe now. I hope that we will be able to provide for ourselves financially and peace will come very soon !!!

Such a shame you had to run away from your home. But luckily you got away unharmed. Stay safe!

I never thought that on my next trip I would go because of the war. It hurt to leave my home and my husband. But the safety of my girls is paramount! Thank you friend for your support!

I'm glad you made it. There are many people out there with you! Ukrainians became heroes! I pray for all still enduring this horror. Stay safe, reach out! I'm in Germany.

Yes, our Ukrainian men showed heroism in defending their homeland. Arriving at the border with Hungary, I felt great support and love from volunteers! Thank you @bulldog-joy for your suggestion! Let's keep in touch!

Віримо що все буде гаразд і молимось за Україну

Дякую. Бажаю щоб місце де ви живете було під Божим захистом!


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Thank you ❤️

Sorry to hear that you and your lovely family had to leave home. Stay safe! Take care!

I sincerely thank you for your sympathy and words of encouragement 💞

I hope you get to return to your home soon and it’s still there as you left it. Good luck!

I very much believe that my city of Lviv will be a strong and reliable post for all the people who fled the shelling! And my house will be saved!

I've been watching the news since before the war in Ukraine. This is totally madness. It brought me tears when I hear the bomb and cries of the children. It breaking my heart to pieces. This traumatic event is something that they will never forget for the rest of their lives. Thankful that you guys are safe. Thankful to those people who help. Peace in Ukraine and wisdom for Russia are always in my prayer. 🙏🙏🙏

We, women, cannot calmly watch the suffering and death of children! There are no other people's children! Thank you for your support! In this clip there is a prayer for peace!

respected stay safe, hope soon life will come to smile

Thank you for your support! I hope it will be soon!

yes soon respected , soon spring will come back to every urkraine home

My heart is shattered when I watch the news. Why is this crazy not stopped yet? Why do people stay away from their homes and loved ones just because of one person's nonsensical thoughts? The world is the hell of this universe

I also have a thousand why???, like you, dear @piinaar! For example, why the world was silent and the fake war on the border with Russia lasted for 8 years, which has now become full-scale and a threat to all mankind !!!

HOw brave you are, travelling away from your home in the snow and ice in that car! I'm with you - there is a lot of kindness in the world that hopefully will weigh out against the aggression. It's up to us to be the kind people. Take care and be safe, and I hope your family stays safe and strong.

Thank you dear @riverflows! We humans have hidden forces within us that can manifest within us in an extreme situation. When we have to step out of our comfort zone, sacrifice something dear to us for the most precious thing - life!

Dios tenga misericordia de todos en Ucrania no es fácil cambiar la vida de repente deseo de todo corazón que pues unirte a tu familia bendiciones 💞

Thank you ❤️

God bless Ukraine and your family.

Thank you ❤️ I hope in God!

May you and all Ukrainians be safe. I pray this ends soon and that Putin is made to pay for any and ALL damage he caused.

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I believe that God will stop evil! I very much hope to return to my prosperous peaceful Ukraine.

Dear Olga, you are in my heart ❤️ Stay safe and strong, all my prayers for you ❤️

Thank you dear Silvia! I think we will all help our soldiers to win together through our common prayers!

I pray that you and yours will remain safe in this terrible time.

Thank you for your prayers and your support!

We are with you

Thank you ❤️

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Such sad days. Hope you'll be able to return to your home country soon, @olga.maslievich.

Thank you ❤️

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