Distance learning: my personal opinion

in Team Ukraine3 years ago


I understand perfectly well that there are times when it is necessary to close educational institutions for quarantine. Even in those distant times, when I myself was a schoolboy, there were cases when schools were closed for quarantine. But nowadays we have gone a little further. Instead of the usual quarantine came up with distance learning. At what, as in schools, colleges, and universities. Personally, I have a negative attitude towards this type of training. Why?

No Internet

First of all, do not forget that not everywhere there is access to the Internet. I will NOT speak for the Russian Federation. In Ukraine, in many (most) villages there is not even a normal mobile connection. That is, if you want to call, then look for the nearest hill, the tallest tree on it, climb to the top and try to get through.

In addition, we do not forget about those families in which material difficulties are observed. These include the low-income, large families and orphans. In this case, you can pay attention to the fact that during the time of the coronavirus, many people lost their jobs or their incomes fell by 2 or more times. That is, not everyone can now afford to buy the same laptop for their child or regularly, without interruption, pay for the Internet.

Lack of live communication

You imagine such a picture. The child sits in 4 walls for at least 12-15 hours a day. Personally, I can not sit in front of the monitor for days. I try to move. I go to the forest, relax on a pond, or just walk around the city or village. Yes, I understand that a child can listen to a lesson on Zoom, Skype and go for a walk. But then explain what is the point of such a quarantine. Children will communicate in the yard anyway!

I, as a teacher, will not be able to feel the mood, the general attention of everyone who is on the other side of the screen. When communicating with students live, then an intuitive connection appears between the teacher and the student.

It is easier for the teacher to convey to the student the information that he considers necessary. He sees when the child really understands what is being said and shown to him. Yes, all sorts of trainings and courses that people conduct, even without education, can be considered a certain type of training. But, as for me, a soulless education can and will allow you to convey the necessary information, but it will be impersonal.

In addition, while listening to a training course, the child's attention is distracted. He can pretend to listen to what the teacher says to him or what he is carefully looking at the monitor. At the same time, you can do what is not allowed in the classroom.

There is no live communication between the teacher and the audience. In this case, I'm talking about the impossibility of holding a really lively discussion on a particular topic. If you do not want to hear or give the floor to one or another participant, you can turn it off or simply turn off the sound. In this case, ignore gets a new meaning.

Last thing. In an educational institution, the atmosphere itself is conducive to the fact that students, communicating with each other, receive one or another information on a given topic.

Thus, I believe that distance learning cannot fully replace live learning. If it is not possible to go to study at a real educational institution, then send them to quarantine. At the end of it, extend the study period. I myself took exams from those who studied under the external system. The level of knowledge of the majority leaves much to be desired.