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RE: Officially Summer Arrived in Netherlands - Life and Mental Health

in Team Ukraine2 years ago

It reminds me of a friend who had a golden retriever. When it was still youngish he interrupted a cricket match by running on the pitch. He just wouldn't come back. My friend had 2 young children at the time so she ended up pretending he wasn't her dog! He came back once she walked away.

Darn, this story made me smile, and trust me I am still smiling while writing this comment. I thought I am the only one who has complaints about my dog but I guess I am not alone. I also thought about adopting a second dog, sounds crazy because I don't have proper space for a second dog obviously. But in the future definitely, I am gonna have another dog. Your friend is a savage, she did the best things considering that moment... Hahahaha...

Gigi will get better with training, I'm sure. I know it's a vicious circle because if you're stressed, Gigi will become stressed and vice versa, but you will both get there.

Well, the trainer also said that Gigi is a good dog, she is just stressed and over-friendly... Besides I don't live in a good place where Gigi can be free and I feel comfortable walking with my dog. I live in a small and crowded area so I think it's also stressful for Gigi as well...

I hope things will eventually become better...


Labradors are lovely dogs but they can also be buffoons, but in the nicest possible way. Hopefully, when you are more settled Gigi might like a friend.