Russian Strike Hits Civilian Shopping Center in Kharkiv: Casualties Reported

in Team Ukraine5 months ago


Russian Strike Hits Civilian Shopping Center in Kharkiv: Casualties Reported


construction hypermarket, State Emergency Service of Ukraine, Russian madness, Putin, air defense, terrorist attacks.

Analysis of Report for Unbiased Assertions, Misrepresentation of Facts, Logical Inconsistency, Intentional False Postulation:

  1. Unbiased Assertions:

    • The report states a strike occurred on a civilian object in Kharkiv, mentioning a shopping center and a construction hypermarket.
    • Details about the response of emergency services are provided factually.
  2. Misrepresentation of Facts:

    • There is a strong emotional and subjective language used, such as "Russian madness" and "madmen as Putin," which could indicate bias.
    • The assertion that the attack was "terrorist" is subjective and not backed by specific evidence within the text.
  3. Logical Inconsistency:

    • The article logically connects the need for air defense to prevent such attacks, which is consistent.
  4. Intentional False Postulation:

    • The text's claim that "Only such madmen as Putin are capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a vile way" lacks substantiated evidence and generalizes the situation without presenting a balanced view.

Approximate Percentage of Misrepresentation from the Total Number of Facts:

Given that the bulk of the report is emotionally charged and contains subjective language, approximately 30% of the report can be seen as misrepresentation or opinion rather than factual reporting.

Semantic Analysis:

Emotional Coloration: 20/100 (Predominantly negative due to strong emotional language and condemnation)

Editorial Opinion of the Text:

The text is heavily biased against Russia and Vladimir Putin, using emotionally charged language to describe the event and those responsible. It clearly aims to evoke a strong emotional response from the reader and to garner support for increased air defense for Ukraine.



A recent strike on Kharkiv has resulted in significant damage to a civilian shopping center and a construction hypermarket. The attack occurred on Saturday during the day, leading to multiple casualties among employees and visitors. Emergency services, including the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, medical teams, local authorities, and police, are actively responding to the incident.

This incident underscores the ongoing conflict and the urgent need for improved air defense systems to protect civilian lives in Ukraine. The support of international leaders remains crucial in these efforts.

Links to Knowledge:


#Kharkiv #UkraineConflict #CivilianCasualties #AirDefense #EmergencyResponse #SupportUkraine

🤬Росія вдарила в Харкові по гіпермаркету просто серед білого дня. Уже повідомляють ( про двох загиблих і одинадцять постраждалих. Уебки їбані.

Украинские спасатели сражаются с огнем в строительном гипермаркете Харькова. Горят более 10 тысяч квадратных метров: русские сознательно ударили по гражданскому объекту в разгар выходного дня.


🤬Россия ударила в Харькове по гипермаркету прямо среди бела дня. Уже сообщают ( о двух погибших и одиннадцати пострадавших. Уебки ебаные.


🤬Russia hit a hypermarket in Kharkiv right in broad daylight. Already reporting ( two dead and eleven injured. Fucking fuckers.


Последствия российских обстрелов территории Украины

В ночь на 25 мая ВС РФ нанесли удар по Слободскому району Харькова. Мэр Игорь Терехов сообщил о том, что в результате попадания ракеты С-300 разрушена мастерская образовательного учреждения, поврежден 31 автомобиль, выбиты стекла в нескольких многоэтажках вокруг, пострадал супермаркет.

В Херсонской области есть попадания в жилые кварталы, повреждены 8 частных домов и учреждение культуры, ( сообщил (глава ( областной военной администрации Александр Прокудин.

Под обстрелами оказались 7 населенных пунктов Запорожской области, сообщил ( глава областной военной администрации Иван Федоров. Поступило 12 сообщений о разрушении жилья.

Росія нанесла черговий жорстокий удар по нашому Харкову – по будівельному гіпермаркету – у суботу, просто посеред дня. Станом на зараз відомо, що в гіпермаркеті могли перебувати понад 200 людей. Усі служби вже на місці надають допомогу – рятують людей і ліквідовують пожежу, яка повністю охопила приміщення, 10 тис. кв. м. Відомо про загиблих і поранених.

Якби Україна мала достатньо засобів ППО та сучасної бойової авіації, такі російські удари стали б просто неможливими. І саме тому ми звертаємося до всіх лідерів, до всіх держав: нам потрібне значне посилення протиповітряної оборони і достатньо можливостей знищувати російських терористів. Завдання, яке потрібно виконати і можливо виконати тільки спільно зі світом. Щодня ми закликаємо світ: дайте нам ППО, врятуйте людей. Кожне неприйняте рішення про підтримку – це втрата наших людей.

We have just received the first reports about Kharkiv – about a strike on the city, on an obvious civilian object: a shopping center, a construction hypermarket. It was Saturday, daytime. One of the largest centers – there were many employees and visitors inside. Now the whole area is on fire. All the necessary services have arrived there – the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, medical services, local authorities, and police. All of them are fighting for every life.

This strike on Kharkiv is another manifestation of Russian madness, there is just no other way to put it. Only such madmen as Putin are capable of killing and terrorizing people in such a vile way. We already know that there are wounded, and there are killed. My condolences to the families and friends. Anyone who has been affected will get the help they need.

When we tell the world leaders that Ukraine needs sufficient air defense protection, when we say that real determination is needed to allow us to protect the lives of our people in the most effective way possible, so that Russian terrorists cannot even get close to our borders, we are talking about literally preventing such terrorist attacks. I thank the leaders who truly support us, who truly see that every decision to support Ukraine is a decision to protect and save lives.


regardless of the outcome, we all need the peace asap