and #leofinance does have serious restrictions. you may check the LEO community for guidelines, i dont want to serve as a broken telephone. but basically, it should be applied for posts concerning cryptocurrency and finance, and not for any 'general topic' just for farming said token. otherwise you will be flagged, reported and even may be blacklisted. I actually dont use this juicy tag 😁😂😂
Вибачте, що от так втручаюсь, а не підкажете, чи є якісь обмеження по використанню даних тегів? #proofofbrain та #leofinance. Дякую)
#proofofbrain has no as far as I know
and #leofinance does have serious restrictions. you may check the LEO community for guidelines, i dont want to serve as a broken telephone. but basically, it should be applied for posts concerning cryptocurrency and finance, and not for any 'general topic' just for farming said token. otherwise you will be flagged, reported and even may be blacklisted. I actually dont use this juicy tag 😁😂😂