in Team Ukraine5 years ago

If you want to win all battles of life, then you will have to confront yourself, and take down all the negativity and Disappointment. It is the only way to win and be succeed

Let's start, Yesterday at when i checked google class room i found there that tomorrow will

be meeting in college at 10 Am. It was compulsory for all student's and have the 5% weightage

in total GPA. I considered that, Mam will give the news that you all are promoted to next semester.

So i pressed cloths and set ready others things for next day, because i can't woke up in time,

whenever i had to. I slept at 1 Am, and woke up 9 Am as i said. After that i brushed and take shower.

Then i went to college without breakfast. Because i was already late and i don't want to be further late.

I took local transport vehicle. That is known as suzuki in our local language maybe it is named on

its company name. As i sit in suzuki Rain started. This rain is non-stop and it is raining till now.

The time is 6 Pm. Look at yourself.


Taken by p9 Lite

I was lucky because i take umbrella from home. I know that rain would start anytime.

After i reached college and met with classmate. Meeting start and mam said no one is

going to be promoted until you give the final exam. these word crush my all imagination

and happiness. She give the date 24 Sep. On the top of that now the paper pattern has

been changed. The whole paper will contain 30 mcq's and everystudent will have to be

take 20 marks for passing. After the meeting me and my friend did lunch at a restaurant.

we ate biryani.



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