Today is the 100th day of the war between Russia and Ukraine and the war is still going on in which many children have been affected

in Team Ukraine3 years ago

On February 24, 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine and the war was started, the war broke out as a doomsday on innocent civilians. There is no pity and the war is still going on. Today, 100 days have passed since the end of this war and this war has not stopped yet in which many lives have been lost and many innocent children have fallen asleep And some children are struggling to make ends meet
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When bombs are dropped on houses, children scream and children put their hands over their ears to mute the bomb. It echoes in the minds of children that our parents and our homes have been destroyed. And the children are scared. In the days to come when this war will stop, the health of the children will be affected for a long time because they have seen this war before their own eyes. One is the fear of death and the other is the fear of fireballs being rained down and the third is the fear of separation from their parents and the fear of not getting food. The children are half gone because of fear.
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And some children are forced to make it to the borders of other countries and there is a lot of food shortage and children are afraid to leave their homes and children in shelters hundreds of miles away from home. And children who have been separated from their parents are deeply traumatized
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And there are some parents who are looking for their children and the children have either come under the rubble and are in a shelter camp but the parents are very upset because of the children and I pay tribute to them. Children who have appealed to the international community to stop this war please stop this war Children are being severely affected Russia is still continuing this war
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The 100-day war is a great thing that the Ukrainian army is fighting with a great power I pay tribute Yes, but this war must end. Much has been lost in this war

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment