Do not look at other people's lives. Many times we look at other people and think they have a great life, and we can't see the problems they are going through.
If you don't want to go out, take the day and be at peace, nothing happens.
The problems that he carries inside are coming out, that's good. If they stayed inside, they would only grow and get stronger.
It's a process to get ahead, don't compare yourself, each person has to go at their own pace and each person has their moment.
You do not have to meet any requirements such as: getting married, having children, you just have to seek to be the best version of yourself.
You will always have the support of people who want to see you well, no matter what situation you go through.
That's one of the best pieces of advice I have got so far. I think this is my cultural problem because I have grown up in such culture and I guess I am still carrying that. Now the question is what is my best version!! I don't know yet but I guess when I will recover, I will find that out eventually.
This is something I always deal with myself knowing the truth. I guess I am too focused on myself and my negativity. I lose control over myself sometimes and start blaming myself for everything. I should try to stop thinking such things...