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RE: Embassy Festival, 2023 in The Hague, Netherlands

in Team Ukrainelast year

Not really that adventurous myself. I have nothing against trying other foods as long as I can identify the ingredients and there are just some things I don't like.

Dugo (Filipino blood pudding), Bagoong (Filipino mashed shrimp paste), and Balut (fertilized duck egg with egg foetus inside) are just some of the things my wife tries to get me to try and I shudder.

As for Canadian heritage:

Well. There is native heritage which dates back hundreds of years but isn't commonly identified with by the majority of people

As for the immigrants to the British Colony which is the majority of Canadians its a much shorter history. My province's history only dates back to the mid 1850's. Some of the more amusing stories from our heritage:

  1. Our first Prime Minister was chosen by consensus while he was passed out drunk--- as no-one else wanted the job.

  2. Our provincial capital was chosen because the person in charge of choosing the location forgot his glasses and being vision impaired thought Victoria looked better than it really did. (New Westminister was favored but didn't get chosen).

  3. Our first provincial judge (Begbie) was a disgraced British barrister (caught cheating with a senior officials wife as the story goes). He was given a choice: A low position in the British Court or the top official in the growing colony. None of the senior officials wanted the position because it involved hiking 1200km north in the spring and another 1200km south in the winter--without roads and under constant threat of attack for natives or wildlife.

Not exactly glowing examples of History. No castles, no intrigue, wars etc.

Canada is a mixup of so many different cultures that it just doesn't have one cultural identity to speak of.

That's sort of neat because a Ukranian or Bangladeshi person wouldn't stick out at all in my town. At my work I have Indian, Iraqi, Egyptian, Filipino and others as well....and we only have a staff of about 12 people :)