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RE: 283 day of the full-scale invasion of russia. The British are starving, russian cities are terrible, and Ukraine is fired again by terrorist russia

Things are strange here in the UK and yes prices are rising fast. I am not struggling yet as I have an ok wage but many I know are on their knees. Our media is powerful, and many realise this now with the Covid story.

We have many protests (which they are now putting into law to make it illegal) which are not reported and live streams are blocked. Postal, Trains, and soon nurses and NHS are striking. There is an uprising but the British are too controlled. They are telling us we will have blackouts here in the coldest months due to the war and people fall for this sadly. But we don't have a fear of war and I send you all healing energy, keep strong. We are all in this together humanity coming together 🙏🏽


I believe that in Europe, or UK, may have problems due to the russian invasion and sanctions, but know that every Ukrainian will feed you borscht for your support! It is better to suffer a little because of temporary difficulties than to hear rockets flying into your cities. Thank you for your support, we all appreciate it and will be grateful for the rest of our lives! ❤️
All difficulties, I believe, are temporary. And this horror will soon end

The UK is a mess because the government is bought by corporations openly. They use the war as an excuse sadly. The UK MPs are pathetic and greedy, any good ones the media spreads lies about and they go. England gets a reputation for being free and fabulous but our media and MPs are someone of the worst, it's just many are brainwashed by the media and don't see this.

I totally feel for you out there must be horrific and sending all the light I can. We can only hope this all ends soon 🙏🏽

Teachers are also on strike 🙏🏽