Dia 3: 9 meses en tu vientre 👶🏼 y sale igualito a su papá, ¿Cómo es tu vida de Mamá? 👩‍👦 || Semana 31 / Day 3: 9 months in your belly 👶🏼 and he comes out just like his daddy, how's your life as a Mom 👩👦 || Week 31

in Motherhood4 years ago

publicación con todos los destalles, así que anímate no importa si eres mami, papi, tia, hermano busca la manera de hacerlo solo usa tu ingenio, para hoy el tema es:Ya muchos conocen que mi hijo amado, se llama Cristian Josué, que como madre le amo y extraño, además que ya es un soldado y espero ansiosa, su regreso cuando este nuevo de permiso, hoy leyendo la sugerencias para temas, que acostumbra dejarnos esta comunidad @motherhood (@hive-165757) creada originalmente para madres, pero que se ha prolongado para toda la familia, en su semana 31 de la versión del Blogging Challenge para madres, este día nos presenta un tema tan interesante y que suele ocurrir, además de que sale a escena cuando hablo con alguien de mi hijo, si tu deseas participar por aquí te dejo el enlace de la




Bienvenidos a mi blog.png


9 meses en tu vientre y sale igualito a su papá


Cristian Josué, es la viva imagen de su padre, al verlo por primera vez recordé el dicho popular “hijo negado, sale cagado” esta expresión se refiere a que los hijos negados se parecen al progenitor o progenitora que los ha negado, al ser morena y de pelito chicharon yo creí que me hijo serio moreno, todavía estoy esperando.



Lo primero, Cristian no dejo ver su salchicha, hasta los 8 meses de embarazo, allí supe que sería varón y al nacer me mostraron un bebe blanquito, que al verlo por primera vez desnudito note no le perdió pisada para nada a su padre, pies, piernas, manos, brazos, color de piel idéntico al padre es como si lo hubiera clonado, creí que este niño seria como su madre un zamurito blanco al nacer, que luego pasaría a negro, pero hasta el sol de hoy continúo esperando que sea moreno como su madre.

De hecho, de niño era mas blanquito que actualmente, ya que se ha curtido por el sol, mi hermana era feliz apagando la luz y diciéndole que era tan blanco que brillaba en la oscuridad.



Otra cosa idéntica, que heredo Cristian de su padre, son conductas y forma de ser, he logrado mejorarlo corregirlo, pero es impresionante ver como se parece tanto en muchos aspectos, de haberse criado a su lado, yo diaria que es imitación por observarlo, pero Cristian Josué, no conoce a su padre, así que no es imitación, lo heredo.

Pero no todo es papá, como para que no quedara la duda, mi hijo tiene el lunar de su madre en su nariz mas centrado, pero lo tiene es un sello de fábrica, jajaja además su carita busco más hacia mami, que ha papi, pero del cuello para abajo y su color de piel no le perdió pisada a su padre es una cosa impresionante y cuando a veces hace una de las suyas, creo estar en presencia de su papá, es todo un déjà vu.

Gracias por leer.png

Ya para despedirme, estoy segura de que no soy la única madre que tiene un hijo que tiene poco o nada de ella, si este es tu caso me puedes compartir tu experiencia en el cajón de comentarios.



Many already know that my beloved son, his name is Cristian Josué, that as a mother I love and miss him, plus he is already a soldier and I look forward to his return when he is back on leave, today reading the suggestions for topics, which usually leave us this community @motherhood (@hive-165757) originally created originally for mothers, but that has been extended for the whole family, in its 31st week of the version of the Blogging Challenge for mothers, this day presents us with a topic so interesting and that usually happens, plus it comes out when I talk to someone about my son, if you want to participate here I leave you the link to the [publication](https: //peakd. com/hive-165757/@motherhood/daily-challenge-momlife-week-31) with all the details, so cheer up no matter if you are mommy, daddy, aunt, brother find a way to do it just use your wits, for today the theme is:

Welcome to my Blog.png


9 months in your belly and comes out just like his daddy


Cristian Josué, is the spitting image of his father, when I saw him for the first time I remembered the popular saying "hijo negado, sale cagado" this expression refers to the denied children resemble the parent who has denied them, to be brunette and hair chicharon I thought my son was seriously brown, I'm still waiting.

First of all, Cristian did not let me see his sausage, until 8 months of pregnancy, then I knew it would be a boy and at birth they showed me a white baby, when I saw him for the first time naked I noticed that he did not lose a step at all to his father, feet, legs, hands, arms, skin color identical to the father is as if he had cloned him, I thought this child would be like his mother a white baby at birth, which then would become black, but to this day I continue to hope that he will be brown like his mother.

In fact, as a child he was whiter than he is today, as he has been tanned by the sun, my sister was happy to turn off the light and tell him he was so white he glowed in the dark.

Another identical thing, that Cristian inherited from his father, are behaviors and way of being, I have managed to improve and correct it, but it is impressive to see how he is so similar in many aspects, of having grown up next to him, I daily that it is imitation by observing him, but Cristian Josué, does not know his father, so it is not imitation, he inherited it.

But not everything is daddy, as if there was no doubt, my son has his mother's mole on his nose more centered, but he has it is a factory seal, hahaha also his little face looks more towards mommy, than daddy, but from the neck down and his skin color did not lose step to his father is an impressive thing and when sometimes he does one of his own, I think I'm in the presence of his dad, it's all a déjà vu.

Thank you for reading.png

To say goodbye, I am sure I am not the only mother who has a child who has little or none of her, if this is your case you can share your experience with me in the comments box.


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Separadores creados por la comunidad motherhood/Dividers created by motherhood community

Comunidades y proyectos que me apoyan /Communities and projects that support me




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me pasó exactamente igual con mi niña, ahora digo que haré una igual a mi jajaja. me encanta este tema, escribiré sobre el. saludos