Hello, hello dear community today is Monday and the beginning of the week always opens a new test for us to do things differently and better.

Yo tome la decision de dedicarme exclusivamente a la crianza de Camilo mientras entra a su maternal, por lo tanto mi jornada diario de trabajo se ha tornado a los que haceres diario de la casa, cocinar, limpiar, lavar y todo lo que genera el ser una total ama de casa.
No los voy a engañar no es facil, muchas veces me siento frustrada aunque fue mi decision, el diario aqui en casa es fuerte pues a medida que Camilo ha ido creciendo la demanda es cada dia mayor, hay dias donde me siento mal con malestar de cuerpo, porque el aun no duerme la noche entera y amanezco cansada y debo hacer las actividades como siempre.
Aunque mi casa no es muy grande vivo de carrera en carrera para evitar accidentes con el niño mientras hago la limpieza, por lo general mi dia corre de la siguiente manera:
- Nos levantamos en la mañana, hago el desayuno para que mi esposo desayune y se pueda ir a trabajar, mientras hago las arepas, el me entretiene al niño y yo hago lo que corresponde al tendido de la Cama de nuestra habitacion.

- Haci va pasando la mañana y ha tope de 11 comienzo en el proceso de hacer el almuerzo y limpio cocina y las demas areas de la casa, al mismo tiempo pongo una lavadora pues como no esta en muy buen estado debo estar pendiente para fregar y que ella termine de lavar, se que muchas de ustedes tambien pasan lo mismo que yo jejeje... A Camilo mientras eso pasa lo siento en su silla de comer y le coloco las comiquitas con el celular y algunos juguetes para que se entretenga y asi poder vigilarlo, sin embargo hace dias pase el susto de mi vida pues se levanto y se me cayo dandose tremendo golpe.

-Trato de hacer la limpieza siempre en las mañanas o tope de medio dia para luego solo bañar al niño, dar de comer y poder descansar un rato a la hora de la siesta, por lo general mi esposo pasa todo el dia en la calle por su trabajo, entonces me toca ingeniarme en las tardes actividades que permitan desarrollar la habilidades de Camilo, tengo un area especifico de la casa donde tengo sus juguetes y les cuento, no se cuantas a veces al dia los recojo, hay personas que han venido y me dice pero dejale regado y al finalizar el dia lo recoges pero no puedo jajaja... no se si es una maña o que pero veo todo tirado y entro como en crisis jajaja... y el ve todo ordenado y es la contra parte mia pues todo lo quiere en el piso.
Y asi entre el recoje y Camilo tira paso mi dia a dia, pero sin lugar a duda no lo cambio por nada, se que todo es una etapa que pasa y pasa demasiado rapido, que los hijos crecen y vuelan y que cada, cada detalle, cada momento hay que vivirlo y disfrutarlo y si es agotador no les voy a mentir que cuando me acuesto no lo hago con la espalda molida pero doy gracias porque quizas hoy lo que yo vivo hay tantos padres que no lo pueden experimentar.

Never in my life did I think that having a home would be so difficult with the arrival of my son, what seemed routine before now is not, because every day even if there is a plan, he always breaks the standards. And the cleaning of the home with the arrival of a child becomes a routine of more responsibility because it is essential that it is always clean because most of their time they spend it is on the floor playing.
I took the decision to dedicate myself exclusively to the upbringing of Camilo while he enters his nursery, therefore my daily workday has turned to the daily chores of the house, cooking, cleaning, washing and everything that comes with being a total housewife.
I will not deceive you it is not easy, many times I feel frustrated although it was my decision, the daily here at home is strong because as Camilo has been growing the demand is greater every day, there are days where I feel sick with body discomfort, because he still does not sleep the whole night and I wake up tired and I must do the activities as usual.
Although my house is not very big I live from race to race to avoid accidents with the child while I do the cleaning, usually my day runs as follows:
- We get up in the morning, I make breakfast so that my husband can have breakfast and go to work, while I make the arepas, he entertains the child and I do what corresponds to the laying of the bed in our room.

- the morning goes by and at 11 o'clock I start the process of making lunch and clean the kitchen and the other areas of the house, at the same time I put a washing machine because as it is not in very good condition I must be aware to scrub and she finishes washing, I know that many of you also spend the same as me hehehehe .... Camilo while that happens I sit him in his feeding chair and I put him the comics with the cell phone and some toys to entertain him and so I can keep an eye on him, however days ago I had the scare of my life because he got up and fell down and gave me a tremendous blow.

-I try to do the cleaning always in the mornings or at the end of the day so that I can only bathe the child, feed him and rest for a while at nap time, usually my husband spends all day on the street because of his job, I have a specific area of the house where I have his toys and I don't know how many times a day I pick them up, there are people who have come and told me but leave him watered and at the end of the day you can pick him up but I can't hahaha. ... I don't know if it's a habit or what but I see everything lying around and I go into a crisis hahaha ... and he sees everything tidy and it's the opposite part of me because he wants everything on the floor.
And so between the pick up and Camilo pulls I spend my day to day, but without a doubt I would not change it for anything, I know that everything is a stage that passes and passes too quickly, that children grow and fly and that each, every detail, every moment must be lived and enjoyed and if it is exhausting I will not lie that when I go to bed I do not do it with a sore back but I am grateful because perhaps today what I live there are so many parents who can not experience it.

Sigo compartiendo mis experiencias como mamá a través de su canal, gracias siempre por el apoyo incondicional, @Motherhood una comunidad abierta para todos los papitos, sigamos construyendo, creando y creciendo.
I keep sharing my experiences as a mom through your channel, thank you always for the unconditional support, @Motherhood an open community for all daddies, let's keep building, creating and growing.
- Todas las imágenes se reserva el derecho del autor, son de mi propiedad. - All images are copyright reserved, they are my property. - Los banners ha sido realizado por mi persona en el programa CANVA - The banners have been made by myself in the CANVA program.
Saludos amiga, me pasa tal cual incluso cuando ayudo a mi esposa a organizar todo queda perfectamente ordenado, y en menos de 1 minutos hay muñecas por todos lados.
Si eso mas tarda uno en recoger que ellos en volver a lanzar todo al piso jajaja... el diario en casa