After a year of absence, I have returned to this platform. To be honest, I had the intention of leaving it for good, I was even thinking of doing a power down. However, before saying goodbye, I wanted to take a look at the communities and review the publications of the people I follow. Seeing that they were still as active as ever, I had the desire to give it one more try, since, after all, this is something I have always enjoyed.
Debo decir que nunca pensé que publicaría algo así en una comunidad sobre maternidad. La verdad, ni s#iquiera me habría pasado por la cabeza. Siempre dije que nunca tendría hijos, pero la vida da muchas vueltas, y ahora estoy en pleno proceso de adaptación con una bebé de un mes.
I must say that I never thought I would post something like this in a community about motherhood. To tell you the truth, it wouldn't have even crossed my mind. I always said I would never have children, but life takes many turns, and now I'm in the middle of the adjustment process with a one month old baby girl.

Al principio no fue fácil, porque todo fue totalmente inesperado. Además, mi relación no estaba en su mejor momento, pero desde el momento en que supe que estaba embarazada, tuve claro que quería tener a este bebé, acompañada o no.
At first it was not easy, because everything was totally unexpected. In addition, my relationship was not at its best, but from the moment I knew I was pregnant, it was clear to me that I wanted to have this baby, accompanied or not.

El embarazo fue una montaña rusa de emociones, tanto positivas como negativas, y probablemente una de las etapas más difíciles que he vivido. Aunque muchos suelen romantizar este proceso, para mí fue bastante duro, y ni hablar del momento del parto. Son experiencias que realmente no entiendes hasta que las vives.
Pregnancy was a roller coaster of emotions, both positive and negative, and probably one of the most difficult stages I have experienced. Although many tend to romanticize this process, for me it was quite hard, not to mention the moment of delivery. These are experiences that you don't really understand until you live them.

Uno de mis mayores temores al tener un bebé era la depresión posparto, ya que no tengo el historial psicológico más estable. Aunque ahora no me siento deprimida, he estado bastante emocional, y creo que durante los primeros 15 días después del parto pasé por el famoso "baby blues". Fue todo muy nuevo y un poco impactante. Además, ser emigrante y no tener a mi familia cerca le suma un grado de dificultad.
One of my biggest fears about having a baby was postpartum depression, as I don't have the most stable psychological history. Although I don't feel depressed now, I have been quite emotional, and I think during the first 15 days after delivery I went through the famous “baby blues.” It was all very new and a bit of a shock. Also, being a migrant and not having my family nearby added a degree of difficulty.
Sin embargo, desde que Aria Loretta llegó a mi vida, siento que todo ha pasado a un segundo plano. Nunca imaginé que podría sentir un amor tan profundo, más grande que cualquier otro que haya experimentado. Cada día me voy adaptando un poco más a la maternidad, y aunque aún tengo un mundo por explorar, todo se va haciendo más llevadero.
However, since Aria Loretta came into my life, I feel like everything has taken a back seat. I never imagined I could feel such a deep love, greater than any other I have ever experienced. Every day I am adjusting a little more to motherhood, and although I still have a world to explore, everything is becoming more bearable.

Gracias por leer hasta aquí, y espero poder adaptarme de nuevo a esta plataforma.
This is just a summary of what has happened, but my idea is to deepen, little by little, in each experience. I think this community will become my most recurrent space.
Thanks for reading this far, and I hope to be able to adapt again to this platform.