in Motherhood3 years ago (edited)

The earlier we begin to sensitize people about stigmatizing women who deliver via a Caesarean section the better for every mother out there who's considering delivering via Caesarean section



Since I can remember my mum has always been against the idea of a cesarean delivery and it was referred to as a life or death situation where you'd go in to the theater with little or no hope of the mother surviving it, back then when my mum and grandma would talk about ladies who delivered via CS, my grandma would refer to them as "lazy women" who couldn't deliver on their own. I'd sit and listen to them for hours analyzing the near death experience and looking down on it, at the time I decided within myself that I was never going to do it but rather I'd be strong and brave through the storm.

Fast forward to 13 years later when I got pregnant and was prepping up for delivery, I felt I had it all figured out and that no matter what it was just pain and pain has never killed anyone, so why wont I be able to do it ? The delivery day finally came around and we proceeded to labour ward, that was when I finally understood why women cry and scream during contractions 😂 but in my case I couldn't even do neither I was practically trying to get through every wave of contraction and at the end couldn't dilate past 6cm even after 14hours of labor and I started requesting for a Caesarean section, at first my husband wouldn't obliged but I think my mother inlaw had to say one or two before doctor then came in to advise us to do the Caesarean section, It was after all this and 14hours of labor did my baby Z come out looking healthy, safe and sound .

Fast forward to this days and the past few months since I gave birth have been getting jabs from every nook and cranny, bits and pieces of talk from one family member or the other concerning the mode of delivery, trust me have tried my best to not think too much about it and for everytime anyone has made any comments concerning it I just laugh and smile like Im not affected in any way but deep down I'm slowly loosing it 😭this days the comments just keeps getting worse and the jabs? Don't even want to talk about it. The most painful part is that this talks and jabs are not coming from friends or strangers but from people I call my family, for the past few days have cried and thought of ways to get through all this but I can't seem to think of anything helpful, trying my best not to mention names but this days
I feel like my self esteem is in shambles and I'm not a strong woman, like I'm weak and lazy and why didn't I just wait to deliver the normal way as that's what people now refer to it as this days.

Or do I need therapy? Because this days I feel useless, like few people get where I'm coming from and I'm slowly loosing it, I just smile and laugh with everyone around me not wanting to let my feelings show before they'll once again refer to me as lazy.
These are just my thoughts.


Hola amiga fué un gusto leerte 🤗

Feliz tarde... Déjame decirte que no eres ninguna perezosa porque el dar a luz a un hijo a través de la cesárea es ser valiente también y el dolor es igual o peor que el del parto natural amiga.

Tu eres una gran mujer porque eres madre, no te dejes deprimir por esos comentarios que no le encuentro sentido... Yo también soy madre de 2 niñas y mis partos fueron por cesárea y estoy feliz de haber tomado esa decisión en mi vida.
Te deseo lo mejor,
Bendiciones 🙏

Thank you so much 🥺I really needed to hear this 💕

 3 years ago  

hi! even tho you sourced the image it still not usable since it has water marks all over that means is not free to use. So, please edit and replace the image with a free to use one.

Okay thank you so much

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