Greetings my beautiful parents of @motherhood, grateful to have another day and share with you the wonderful experience of having little ones at home, and know how is their development along their growth, I did not know that being Saori's mom would give me the opportunity to connect with so many parents through the @hive platform, I feel motivated every time I start with a topic, like the one I bring today, in my previous post I commented that with our little girl we practice co-sleeping, it was not a technique that we studied from the beginning, in fact we did not even know that such practice existed, it was simply born from the satisfaction of both our daughter and us to be able to get a pleasant sleep. Of course, as time goes by, circumstances change, because this also depends on the conditions and limitations that we have at home, so I will explain how it has worked in our family.
El inicio con Saori | The beginning with Saori
What we usually see and what we are taught, is that the baby should sleep in his crib, for my husband and me that idea seemed crazy from the beginning, how would we know if he was breathing well, if his heart was beating normally, if there were no insects around even if he used his mosquito net, if he was hot, and a host of concerns of first time parents, I remember the first day with Saori, her dad pretended to stand all night watching her, I found it very funny and I sent him to sleep hahaha. Of course there is always the fear of crushing the baby or what is known as sudden death; so I will develop the advantages and disadvantages of the practice of co-sleeping.
Ventajas | Advantages
Duerme mucho más: desde un principio nos fijamos que el tiempo que pasaba nuestra niña en cama era extremamente superior al que estaba en la cuna, los periodos eran muy corto en comparación al estar en cama, mientras estaba tan cerca de nosotros no se despertaba tan seguido, y todos podíamos tener un periodo de sueño mayor. Dicen que esto ayuda a estabilizar su ritmo cardiaco y la respiración.
Sueño tranquilo: En su corral siempre estaba inquita con solo sentirse solita, no duraba ni 5 minutos cada vez que la acostábamos, creo que solo lograba dormir 1 horas como máximo, era estresante y agotador tanto para ella como para nosotros Desde el principio sentíamos que nuestra niña tenía un sueño tranquilo mientras estaba a nuestro lado y muy cerquita de su teta.
Se alimenta mejor: Tener a mi niña cerca ella tenía a disposición su tética, podía tomar de ella cuando quisiera sin necesidad de llorar porque ella no sabe lo que es esperar que mamá se levante para atender su llamado, mientras no llore mucho será mucho más fácil para ellos calmarse. La lactancia materna tiene efecto protector sobre cualquier accidente de muerte súbita.
Aclimatación: en su cuna no podíamos saber cómo estaba la temperatura de su cuerpo, no sabíamos si sentía algo de calor o tenía mucho frio, solo teniendo contacto con su piel, sabíamos si el clima era agradable para ella.
She sleeps much more: from the beginning we noticed that the time our baby girl spent in bed was extremely superior to the time she spent in the crib, the periods were very short compared to being in bed, while she was so close to us she did not wake up as often, and we could all have a longer period of sleep. They say this helps stabilize his heart rate and breathing. Peaceful sleep:In her playpen she was always restless just feeling alone, she didn't even last 5 minutes every time we put her to bed, I think she only slept for 1 hour at the most, it was stressful and exhausting for her and us. From the beginning we felt that our little girl had a peaceful sleep while she was next to us and very close to her boob. She feeds better: Having my child close to her, she had her teat at her disposal, she could drink from it whenever she wanted without crying because she does not know what it is like to wait for mom to get up to answer her call, as long as she does not cry too much it will be much easier for them to calm down. Breastfeeding has a protective effect on any sudden death accident. Acclimatization: in her crib we could not know how her body temperature was, we did not know if she felt some heat or was very cold, only having contact with her skin, we knew if the weather was pleasant for her.
Desventajas | Disadvantages
Superficies para dormir: el colecho no es recomendable en menores de 3 meses y mucho menos si es un caso de bebé prematuro, sobre todo si las superficies que se duerme son muy blandas como colchones de agua, o dormir en un sofá muy estrecho. permitiendo la probabilidad que ocurra hechos lamentables.
Cansancio extremo: como es sabido, el agotamiento excesivo, y la falta de sueño generan desgaste en el organismo, esto puede ocasionar que en cualquier momento el sueño sea tan pesado que no seas capaz de estar alerta mientras estas con el bebé al lado. Por ello, si ambos padres tienen el sueño muy pesado no es recomendable dicha práctica. Los primeros meses siempre nos mantuvimos muy alerta con el sueño del bebé sobre todo mi esposo que tiene un sueño muy ligero, todo lo contrario, a mí, en ocasiones me despertaba muy asustada buscando a la niña, es una fase que se supera con los meses.
Padres consumidores: Aunque no son todos los casos gran parte, de los casos que he conocido de muerte súbita, es por padres bajo el efecto del alcohol o algún otro consumo de estupefacientes, lo que es una desventaja para los padres que ven con naturalidad consumir alcohol aun estando lactando. En nuestro caso nunca hemos consumido alcohol por lo que esto no era una preocupación.
Lugar estrecho o poco cómodo: no es recomendable dormir muchas personas en la misma cama sobre todo si es estrecha, en nuestro caso una cama matrimonial con papá mamá y el bebé es suficiente, otro niño sería de alto riego. A medida que nuestra nena fue creciendo adoptaba posiciones muy incomodas para dormir, además, que ella es bastante grande para su edad, entonces como en el país comprar una cama más grande es muy costoso, optamos por colocar una cama individual al lado de la nuestra para que ella tenga su espacio, y ahora es papá quien termina durmiendo en ella jajaja.
Sleeping surfaces: co-sleeping is not recommended for children under 3 months of age and even less if it is a case of premature baby, especially if the sleeping surfaces are very soft such as water mattresses, or sleeping on a very narrow sofa. allowing the probability of unfortunate events to occur. Extreme tiredness: as it is known, excessive exhaustion and lack of sleep generate wear and tear in the body, this can cause that at any time the sleep is so heavy that you are not able to be alert while you are with the baby next to you. Therefore, if both parents are very heavy sleepers, this practice is not recommended. The first few months we were always very alert with the baby's sleep, especially my husband who is a very light sleeper, on the contrary, I sometimes woke up very scared looking for the baby, it is a phase that is overcome with the months. Parent consumers: Although not all the cases are not the same, most of the cases I have known of sudden death are due to parents under the effect of alcohol or some other narcotic consumption, which is a disadvantage for parents who see it as natural to consume alcohol even when breastfeeding. In our case, we have never consumed alcohol, so this was not a concern. Tight or uncomfortable place: it is not advisable to sleep many people in the same bed especially if it is narrow, in our case a double bed with mom and dad and the baby is enough, another child would be high risk. As our baby was growing up she adopted very uncomfortable sleeping positions, besides, she is quite big for her age, then as in the country to buy a bigger bed is very expensive, we opted to place a single bed next to ours so that she has her space, and now it is dad who ends up sleeping in it hahaha.
Acotaciones finales | Concluding remarks
Responsible co-sleeping is a wonderful practice, the connection that develops skin to skin with our baby is magical, they can feel the warmth and caresses of their parents without having to resort to crying or feeling afraid, they feel protected loved and valued, our little girl always looks for us with her feet making sure we are there for her, I used to think it was just for the boob, but after weaning she always wanted to have us very close, we do not know how long this practice will be, but while we have it we enjoy it. Always grateful that you take time to read my dear readers, until a future post.
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