Hello my dear beehive, grateful and always happy to be able to share my experiences with you and now my adventures in @motherhood
Hola mis queridos amigos hoy Quiero compartir con ustedes este orgullo. A mi hijastro mayor le entregaron su boletín y adivinen, excelentes notas 👏👏👏👏👏👏esto es un esfuerzo y un logro colectivo todo pusimos nuestro granito de arena para que José Miguel (mi hijastro) se encamine en ser buen estudiante y que sea un chico responsable. Bueno eso era todo quería compartir es alegro con mi colmena hasta pronto
Hello my dear friends today I want to share with you this pride. They gave my oldest stepson his newsletter and guess what, excellent grades 👏👏👏👏👏👏 this is a collective effort and achievement, we all put our grain of sand so that José Miguel (my stepson) is on his way to being a good student and to be a responsible boy. Well that was all I wanted to share it's happy with my hive see you soon