The fertility diet: foods to eat to conceive

in Motherhood7 months ago

The saying known to everyone already says it; “We are what we eat” and this also applies to our fertility levels, both in the case of women and men.

Although there is no miracle diet, it is true that healthy lifestyle habits maintained over time help improve fertility, and for this it is necessary to follow a good diet. But is it possible to increase your chances of having a baby by eating certain foods? How does diet affect the quality of sperm and eggs?

In today's article we tell you which ingredients cannot be missing from your meals if you want to promote your reproductive health.

So, if you are a woman you should know: What foods help you get pregnant?
Let's see what those fertility foods are and what components can help:
Zinc: beneficial for cell division
Lean meat, chicken, seafood, eggs, cereals, and ginger, among others, contain zinc. It is a nutrient that is present in the body's cells and that precisely contributes to proper cell division.

Wheat germ, bran, barley, rye, oats, artichoke, spinach, chard, figs, plums, dates, beans, almonds and avocado are foods that contain a lot of fiber. This element offers many health benefits and can also reduce the risk of suffering from polycystic ovary.
Iron: essential in a diet for fertility

Lean meat, fish, eggs, seaweed, broccoli, spinach or parsley contain iron. Iron is necessary at the beginning of pregnancy to avoid anemia and provide the future mother with the energy necessary to undertake pregnancy and childbirth.

Calcium: essential for many body processes
Dairy products, spinach, broccoli, watercress, cabbage, orange, lettuce, fig, sardines and tuna contain calcium. And calcium is a mineral that is not only beneficial for teeth and bones, but also helps maintain proper balance in the circulatory and nervous systems and strengthens muscles.

Folic acid: great ally among foods for fertility
Cereals, legumes, bananas, avocados, yeast, sardines, eggs and trout contain a significant amount of folic acid. It is a B vitamin that prevents defects in the spinal cord and brain. Other foods with vitamin B are red and white meat, fish and shellfish. Vitamin B is essential for hormonal control and fetal development.
Antioxidants: a great protector

Orange, lemon, kiwi, melon, blueberries, strawberries, plum, nuts, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, red and green pepper, tomatoes and spinach contain antioxidants. This element helps us protect cells from the attack of free radicals, which damage DNA and mitochondria.
Omega-3: important for reproductive health

Seafood, salmon, sardines, tuna, seaweed, nuts, avocado, and green leafy vegetables contain DHA. It is an essential acid (omega-3) essential for hormonal balance, the autoimmune system and ovarian health.

The fertility menu in your daily life
First of all, we must keep in mind that lightly processed, fresh and seasonal foods are the healthiest, so they should make up a large part of our daily consumption.

Bread and cereals should also be part of our daily diet. Dairy products provide proteins and high biological value, minerals and vitamins. Natural yogurt, milk and fresh cheese (without excess) should also be included in our daily lives.

Vegetables must be found at both lunch and dinner and at least in one of them presented raw. The variety of colors and textures of foods provides diversity of antioxidants. Fresh and seasonal fruit is the best dessert after every meal.

Oily fish is recommended once or twice a week, meat should be consumed in moderation and in small quantities, preferably as part of dishes based on vegetables or legumes. Eggs are rich in vitamins and minerals, so between 3 and 4 units per week are also recommended.

Let's talk then about female fertility
Obesity is linked, in many cases, to problems with ovulation and irregular menstrual cycles. There are even studies that show that when there is obesity, the chances of achieving a pregnancy naturally are reduced and even the response to assisted reproduction treatments is not as effective. To this, we must add the increased chances of having a spontaneous abortion.

Furthermore, women who suffer from the so-called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) have a tendency towards obesity, which is added to the fertility problems that this disease causes. Therefore, losing weight can be of great help for these women, who should maintain an adequate diet to improve fertility.

And what about men?
Something similar also happens in men. Obesity or overweight can affect your reproductive capacity, and is mainly reflected in seminal quality. There are studies that link the increase in fatty tissue with a decrease in testosterone and, therefore, with a lower concentration of sperm and a lower seminal volume.

There is also evidence on the effects of increased testicular temperature, more common in overweight people, on semen quality. To which we must also add that certain diseases related to obesity cause hormonal alterations that result in erectile dysfunction. All of this highlights the importance of losing weight and adopting a diet to improve fertility as soon as possible.

Weight and fertility
That food plays a fundamental role in our health is undeniable. While it is true that our ability to conceive is mostly related to hormonal and genetic factors, diet also plays a very important role. What we eat directly affects our hormones and our weight also affects our fertility.
In women, both being below the ideal weight and being above it directly affects the ability to ovulate and get pregnant.

Excess body fat can increase estrogen levels. This causes irregular menstrual cycles and can disrupt ovulation. Some studies claim that if a woman suffers from obesity and loses 5-10% of her weight, she can increase her chances of getting pregnant.

Women who are under the recommended weight may also see their hormones altered. One of the consequences of eating disorders (such as anorexia and bulimia) is amenorrhea (absence of menstruation).
In men, being overweight is associated with high levels of insulin, which reduces testosterone. With low weight, on the other hand, there may be a reduction in sperm quality.

And effectively What are the superfoods for fertility?
Celery and lamb's lettuce. Rich in folic acid, essential to prevent neural damage in the baby.
Garlic. Powerful antibacterial and antiviral. It helps protect against vaginal yeast and infections and, therefore, protects your intimate health.
Lemon, orange, tangerine. High content of vitamin C. In addition, it helps alkalize our body and ovulation.
Nuts: nuts reduce prolactin and regulate hormones. Sunflower seeds contain vitamins B, E, zinc, selenium and magnesium, which promote fertilization and fertility.
Lentils. Rich in iron to avoid anemia during pregnancy.
Pumpkin seeds. High in zinc and omega 6, necessary for proper hormonal functioning.
Broccoli. Very rich in vitamin C, iron, folic acid and antioxidants. Helps ovulation and prevent anemia.
Pineapple. It contains high doses of bromelain, which favors embryo implantation.
Eggs enriched with omega 3
Avocado. Rich in monounsaturated fats that help produce healthier eggs. Its content of Omega-3 fatty acids regulates reproductive hormones and also has a high content of natural fertility and health stimulants.

What should be avoided in the fertility diet?

The fertility diet also includes some foods that should be limited or avoided to increase the chances of pregnancy.
The best are natural, organic and local foods. The consumption of ultra-processed foods and fast food should be avoided. Sugar, refined flours, alcohol, sugary drinks, sweeteners, added flavors and aromas... All of these foods have repercussions on your health.

Limit excessive consumption of red meat and fish rich in mercury, as well as excess caffeine.
Toxins in food can act as endocrine disruptors. These act directly on our hormones and, therefore, on our fertility. It is also believed that they can produce genetic alterations.

In addition to our diet and as we said at the beginning of the article, it is important to lead a good lifestyle in general. Rest and sleep well, exercise regularly, avoid the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other harmful substances and maintain a good attitude towards life.

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