Hello community, today I will tell you an unforgettable experience, it happened to me a long time ago but it is still very difficult to heal, it is a wound that stays with you for life and with severe memory.
My daughter was 10 years old, my husband and I decided that it was time to have another child, I went to the doctor to have a checkup, he did the checkup and told me that I had to get clean because I had been taking birth control pills for many years, which was going to be difficult when it was time to start looking for another child. He prescribed me some pills and of course, I stopped taking care of myself.
Two years passed, I still was not pregnant, I went to a gynecologist that was recommended to me, when I had the echo she told me: I will give you some news but you have to take it calmly, you have the amniotic sac, it is the sac that surrounds the fetus during pregnancy but it is empty, there is no life there; my heart was going out, I could not stop crying, I felt that my body was useless, my illusions of being a mother again were lost. The doctor very kindly calmed me down to talk and explained to me that this can happen, it does not mean that I will not be able to get pregnant again, I just had to wait at least 2 years for my uterus to be a little stronger; I had no choice but to heal and try again.

Three years went by, my daughter was 15 years old, during her party I felt a little dizzy and I felt like throwing up, I thought it was stress, I let it go, a few days later my belly was hurting and it was strange because it was not my turn to come, I called to make an appointment with the gynecologist, she told me to go without any problem and I left, when I arrived she attended me, she asked me several questions while she did the echo and she gave me the great news; I felt happy, content, excited, thrilled, excited, there are no words to describe what I felt at that moment.
Suddenly he told me: you have to rest because in the echo it looks as if it was growing down, I did not understand what he meant so I asked him to explain, but he told me that I had to wait for a little because it was very small, he sent me several medications and rest, and that I should try to stay in bed as much as possible.
A month went by, I had a check-up and I felt that everything was going well, she attended to me and I heard her heart beating, the most beautiful moment; she let me know that everything was fine, but that I should continue taking the medications and rest, I continued to comply with what she was asking me to do. Another month passed and I could already see my belly had grown. At home I had the support of my husband and my daughter who did everything to take care of me. Another month went by and everything seemed to be going normal when suddenly I felt a very strong pain in my back, I screamed, my daughter ran out to see what was happening and I told her to call her father because she had a very strong pain in her back.

How could I get ready and we left, but the big mistake was to go to the hospital; I was attended by a gynecologist, which made me an echo and without anesthesia tells me is dead, I was paralyzed the world came down to me, tells me to take this I look for water and gives me the pill, I take it crying without understanding what had happened. He asked my relatives to look for clothes since I had to stay in obsession, they gave the news to my husband which was terrible for him; they gave me an echo again but this time it was another doctor and he told me that he heard a heartbeat, without understanding between tears I told him that the doctor told me that I was dead and gave me a pill to expel it; If so, the doctor told me, but I heard a very slight heartbeat.
I asked GOD that whatever he wanted for me, I would be strong; they murmured among themselves, I was sweating, I felt dizzy and as if something was coming loose inside my body, I told the nurse that I felt bad, they called the doctor on duty and prepared me as if I was going to give birth, they told me to push, I pushed and it came out immediately, I saw it as it was formed.
Even though I was crying so much, I could hear what they were saying among themselves; he said he was alive, I started to scream and tell him that they had killed him, how could they do that. The commotion began, my husband and my sister were waiting for the doctor who caused the abortion to show up again, he never did. This did not stop, we denounced him, since there was proof that he was still alive when he gave me the pill.
Time passed and we found out that the doctor became the director of the hospital, what things happen in this life. I was still feeling bad, both psychologically and physically, to add to the matter after 3 weeks I fainted and they took me to the hospital and told me: you still have residues, we have to do a curettage again. My husband, very disappointed in that hospital, took me out and how could he take me to a clinic to be treated, which thanks to them I am alive, they had to remove everything, as everything was rotting inside.
I was healed physically, but my heart has not healed yet and I don't believe it will heal, it is a mark that will not be erased, I tell my experience because as it happened to me it could happen to another person, to be with four eyes in this life and never stay with only one opinion. GOD wanted me to have only one daughter, but he sent me a grandson who I still do not know, I hope to meet him soon and give him all my love.

Fuente: 1

Que lamentable todo eso que viviste mujer. Te abrazo y abrazo fuerte, como tu caso hay muchos, la falta de ética profesional e indolencia hacen tanto daño, lo peor es que no son capaces de dar la cara, perl como siempre digo, todo lo que se hace, sea malo o bueno se paga en esta vida.
Por otra parte, no nos queda más que perdonar, eso no significa que hemos olvidado, pero sí nos hace libres.
así es @elizabeths14 la falta de profesionalismo que vivimos hoy en día es terrible, lo peor es que no les importan el daño que hacen. Gracias por leerme amiga!
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