My presentation to the Motherhood

in Motherhood4 years ago (edited)

My name is Celimar, this is my first post to this community, I am 34 years old, I have a Bachelor of Accounting and a Master in Higher Education, I work independently working on social networks, I am from Venezuela from a small town called Piritu.


I have a 3-year-old girl who is my greatest blessing, he is my little engine that drives me to move forward every day, I am a single mother, I bring my daughter forward with the help of my mother. Being a mother is a wonderful experience, although we do not have a manual to guide us in every step they take, we learn as they grow, through their smiles and we take my daughter by the hand, today she teaches me to be a mother and father to Same time.


In this platform I will share with you the experience of being a Mom, I will participate in each contest that is present on the platform, apart from the small healings, my account continues to grow and ensure a future for my daughter.


 4 years ago (edited) 

hola! este post sera muteado en la comunidad de motherhood por ser duplicado de este

te recomiendo edites, puedes incluso hacer un post encima de este cuando edites si no se notara que se posteo dos veces, pero debes corregir eso para que evites ser catalogada como spammer o ser ingresada a blacklist

aquí te dejo un tutorial de como editar

si editas se podrá desmutear el post

 4 years ago  

y por cierto la etiqueta cervantes es solo para contenido en español o al menos bilingüe no en ingles

Sorry when I published that post, the Hive platform had a problem, that's why I published twice I did not notice.

 4 years ago  

Ok but you need to edit the duplicated post

Ok. Tkank you

 4 years ago  

A ti por editar el post ha sido desmuteado