Things that children never forget

in Motherhood4 years ago

There is no manual on how to be the best parents for our children, what we always want is to give them the best love, time and teachings. But every thing we do is wrong or good, our children will carry it in their memory for life. Today I want to tell you some of them


They do not forget the abuse

No relationship is perfect and much less the relationship that exists between parents and their children, there will always be a moment of contradiction or conflict, this being something perfectly normal, the negative in this when parents take an attitude that is not correct we arrive at The abuse believing that it is a tool to educate our children, this abuse may intimidate the child, but this will become a permanent mark in his life, causing the child to have a low and insecure self-esteem, Sometimes this means that the child generates resentment or hatred against the parent who abuses him, causing that there is no good relationship with his son in the future.

The treatment given to grandparents

We parents are the patron of children, if they observe a bad attitude that we reflect on grandparents, they will grow up with this brand, in the very near future that attitude will not do it to us when we are an advanced age, since children they record things in their memory.

The moments that felt protected

When children are afraid the first thing they do is run into the arms of their parents to alleviate that feeling of fear, it depends on the way we treat it at that time they will remember it. But if we are what causes that fear, our children will feel completely unprotected, causing them the damage of emotional insecurity.

Lack of time

This is one of the traces that we can leave to our children, not sharing with them, that we work day and night to give them the best, but what is the best? clothes, toys, a better school, when what our children are most interested in is time and dedication, as a blogger I know that the time to work to ensure our daily bread is strong, but we must always have time for our Children, because they do not understand jobs or money, when they are adults they will only remember the empty time that we gave them.

These are some of the little things that children will remember all their lives, it is for them that we should pay attention to our children, what are the ways we correct it, how we express the love we have for them.


I agree.



Your parenting articles :)




@celi130, you've been given LUV from @metzli.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (3/5)

Kids do not forget abuse, but if you forgive your own living memories of your parents negleds and problemsm, and you would become a better parent for your own kids, is something like You may make new mistakes, but you will nor repead your parent's mistakes on your child, Why do i say this?

I see a lot of selfjudgement and hardcore binding on your words, you seen to me like you forgot that people makes mistakes, people are sometimes angry from work, from a fight and sometimes they scream on kids on their spouces. Im not saying is ok to do so, All im saying is: they are HUMAN and so are you, you can forgive if you like, teach your kids to forgive and love and they will not hate you for forever out of a mistake, eventually they will get to know and make their own share of wrongdoings and apologize, and grow.

Bye <3 have a good time :D