El dia de mi cesárea donde conocí a el amor de mi vi💖 // The day of my cesarean section where I met the love of my life💖

in Motherhood6 months ago

Hola querios amigos espero se encuentrn bien, soy nueva en esta comuniad pero vengo dispuesta a compartir contenido con ustedes, tratare a medida que pueda de ir compartiendo todas las espereriencias y anecdotas que vaya viviendo al transcurir del tiempo. Tambien mi hija esta muy pequeñita y casi no me da tiempo de nada sino de atenderla.

Hello dear friends, I hope you are well, I am new to this community but I am willing to share content with you, I will try as I can to share all the experiences and anecdotes that I experience as time goes by. Also, my daughter is very little and she hardly gives me time to do anything except take care of her.


Bueno quiero contarles de el dia que m hicieron cesárea. Todo comenzo el 31 de mayo cuando nos tocaba prepararnos psicológica y mentalmente de que nueva bebé ya venia y teniamos que estar tranquilos, tener paciencia y sobre todo no ponernos nerviosos, esa noche antes mencionada nos omamos la ultima fotifo con nuestra barriguita, oré mucho y m encomende a Dios.

Well I want to tell you about the day I had a cesarean section. It all started on May 31 when we had to prepare psychologically and mentally that the new baby was coming and we had to be calm, be patient and above all not get nervous, that aforementioned night we took the last photo with our belly, I prayed


Esa noche dormi tranquila, me sentia bien! Nos despertamos a las 6:00am para prepararnos, porque ya a las 07:30am /08:00am yo debíaestar ingresando a la maternidad.

That night I slept peacefully, I felt good! We woke up at 6:00 am to prepare, because at 07:30 am / 08:00 am I should have been entering the maternity ward.


NOTA: no tomé mas fotos porque luego que entras a la maternidad no te acompaña la señal y tampoco te deja pasar el teléfon. (Entonces aprecien las pocas fotos que tengo)

NOTE: I didn't take more photos because after you enter the maternity ward the sign doesn't accompany you and it doesn't let you use the phone either. (So ​​appreciate the few photos I have)


Cuando llegue a las 07:30am me ingresaron a el mateno para que mientras que llegara la doctora que era a las 09:00am me fuesen llenando a mi la historia y me fuesen aarrando la vía donde pasarían el tratamiento.

When I arrived at 07:30 am, they admitted me to the hospital so that while the doctor arrived at 09:00 am, they would fill out the history for me and show me the route where they would undergo the treatment.


Siempre estuve acompañada de mi tia, nunca estuve nerviosa, siempre encomendada a Dios y a mi mamá para que todo saliera muy bien.

I was always accompanied by my aunt, I was never nervous, always entrusted to God and my mother so that everything went very well.


Bueno entré no se a que hora porque cuando me quitaron el telefono ya después no sabia si era de día o de noche.( no sabia de hora.)

Well, I came in, I don't know what time because when they took my phone away, I didn't know if it was day or night. (I didn't know what time.)


Me quitaron toda la ropa y me mandaron a oloar la bata y le dieon todas las pertencias a mis familiares.
Yo calculo que eso sería como a las 09:00am !
Me llevaron a la sala de recuperación que es el lugar domde tienen a las que van para cesarea y las que ya salieron de la cesarea esperando recuperación.

They took off all my clothes and sent me to smell my robe and gave all my belongings to my relatives.
I estimate that that would be around 09:00am!
They took me to the recovery room, which is the place where they have those who are going for a cesarean section and those who have already left the cesarean section waiting for recovery.


Ese primero 01 de junio solo habian 2 por cesarea una muchacha de 21 años que iba por 3 cesarea y de emergencia , y bueno, yo que era primeriza.

That first June 1, there were only 2 for a cesarean section, a 21-year-old girl who was going for 3 cesarean sections and an emergency, and well, I was a first-timer.


Cuando llegó mi turno yo estaba tranquila y relajada, me ingresaron ! Entro mi doctora y la anestesiologa bien cariñosa, me pegunto edad, profesión y si tenia mas hijos, le respondi todo y cuando le dije que era mi primera hija todos alli se impresionaron porque actualmente hay mucho casos de embarazos precoz en nuestro país. Me pusieron mi anestesia y todo bien, me colocaron tambien una sonda ! Cuano me fueron a tomar la tension la tenia alta, me la tomaron 4 veces e igual la tenia alta y asi me hicieron mi cesarea , mi hija nació a las 11:11pm todo bien gracias a dios mi hija sana y agarró su tetica bien.

When my turn came I was calm and relaxed, they admitted me! My doctor and the very affectionate anesthesiologist came in, she asked me my age, profession and if I had more children, I answered everything and when I told her that she was my first daughter, everyone there was impressed because currently there are many cases of early pregnancies in our country. They gave me my anesthesia and everything was fine, they also placed a probe in me! When they went to take my blood pressure it was high, they took it 4 times and it was still high and that's how they did my caesarean section, my daughter was born at 11:11pm everything was fine, thank God my daughter is healthy and held her nipple well.

Bueno, me pude levantar a las 6:00pm de la tarde que con ayuda de mi esposo a el baño y a caminar un poco, es duro levantarse por el dolor pero hay aue hacerlo sino no te dan el alta. La niña paso toda la noche bien gracias a Dios. Y el dia 2 de junio nos vinimos a casa. Espero este resumen les sirva de algo gracias por llegar hasta el final.

Well, I was able to get up at 6:00 pm in the afternoon with my husband's help to go to the bathroom and walk a little. It's hard to get up because of the pain but you have to do it otherwise you won't be discharged. The girl spent the whole night well, thank God. And on June 2 we came home. I hope this summary is useful to you, thank you for making it to the end.
