Greetings my dear readers, I am especially happy and proud of my oldest son Matthias, because today he overcame his biggest fear, swimming in a pool, something that many children enjoy, but that was the biggest fear of my son, I once told you about this topic in one of my publications.

Por mucho tiempo mi hijo ha sido invitado a cumpleaños o celebraciones de fin de año con sus compañeros, pero por ser en una piscina el nunca quería ir, se negaba e inmediatamente comenzaba a llorar, era algo inexplicable que el no podía controlar, fueron pocas nuestras asistencias a piscinas para evitar que esto sucediera, ya que le creaba incomodidad a Matthias y a nosotros, ya que todos comentaban la actitud de mi pequeño.
For a long time my son has been invited to birthdays or end of the year celebrations with his classmates, but because it was in a pool he never wanted to go, he refused and immediately began to cry, it was something inexplicable that he could not control, there were few of us attending pools to prevent this from happening, as it created discomfort for Matthias and us, as everyone commented on the attitude of my little boy.

Todos los intentos que hacíamos eran fallidos, pero nunca dejamos de hablar con el y explicarle que estaría seguro, que no lo iba a soltar, que confiara en mamá y papá; la semana pasada los instructores de su curso de Bomberos decidieron hacer una piscinada para despedir a los chicos y tomaran vacaciones, allí comenzó nuevamente la preocupación y nuestras conversaciones antes de dormir, algo que acostumbramos para hablar del tema que mi hijo quiera.
All the attempts we made were unsuccessful, but we never stopped talking to him and explaining to him that he would be safe, that he would not let go, that he could trust mom and dad; last week the instructors of his firefighter course decided to have a pool party to say goodbye to the kids and take vacations, there began again the concern and our conversations before going to sleep, something we used to do to talk about whatever my son wanted to talk about.

El año pasado fuimos a esta celebración de fin de curso, no hubo manera que mi hijo se bañara, solo jugo alrededor de la piscina; en esta oportunidad le preguntamos si quería ir, inmediatamente dijo que NO, comencé a hablar con el, para que fuéramos y jugaba en el parque, ya que el club cuenta con varias áreas donde se podía distraer, pero que igual le llevaríamos ropa para bañarse por si se decidía, le pareció bien.
Last year we went to this end of the year celebration, there was no way my son could swim, he only played around the pool; this time we asked him if he wanted to go, he immediately said NO, I started talking to him, so that we could go and play in the park, since the club has several areas where he could be distracted, but that we would still take him clothes to bathe in case he decided to, he was fine with it.

Hoy llego el gran día, fuimos hasta el club, sus amigos inmediatamente se cambiaron y se metieron a bañar, insistiéndole que se metiera, en esta oportunidad mi esposa y yo decidimos no decirle nada y solo verlo de lejos, el solo poco a poco se sentó a la orilla y metía los pies para mojar a sus amigos, hasta que hubo un momento en que vimos cuando se metió agarrado de la pared y salió rápidamente de la piscina, pero vino a contarnos y a que fuéramos a verlo, su cara de felicidad era impresionante.
Today came the big day, we went to the club, his friends immediately changed and went to bathe, insisting him to get in, this time my wife and I decided not to say anything and just watch him from afar, he just slowly sat on the shore and put his feet to wet his friends, until there was a moment when we saw when he got in holding on to the wall and quickly left the pool, but he came to tell us and we went to see him, his face of happiness was impressive.

Nos tomo de la mano y nos llevo, se metió nuevamente y allí lo felicitamos, lo abrazamos, comenzó agarrar un poco de confianza y me pidió que me metiera a la piscina con el, para enseñarlo, no le pude decir que no, menos mal siempre llevo un cambio de ropa esperando que en algún momento decida bañarme en la piscina, fui me cambie, estuve con mi pequeño enseñándole a nadar, pero aun es muy pronto, le da miedo, pero me sorprendió nuevamente al decirme que contara cuando puede durar bajo el agua, se tapo la nariz y metió la cabeza, aunque salió inmediatamente, lo seguía haciendo hasta que logro durar mas tiempo.
He took us by the hand and took us, he got in again and there we congratulated him, we hugged him, he began to gain a little confidence and asked me to get into the pool with him, to teach him, I could not say no, thank goodness I always carry a change of clothes hoping that at some point I decide to bathe in the pool, I went to change, I was with my little boy teaching him to swim, but it is still very early, he is scared, but he surprised me again when he told me to tell me how long he can last under water, he covered his nose and put his head in, although he came out immediately, he kept doing it until he could last longer.

Las sorpresas con mi hijo no terminaron allí, en la piscina había un tobogán y me dijo que si podía subir a ver a los muchachos lanzarse, le dije que si, subió y luego de un rato bajo, me pregunto que si podía lanzarse con su primo Francisco, le dije que si el quería claro que si, pero la condición era que lo agarrará al llegar abajo porque en esa parte la piscina estaba honda y lo tapaba, subió nuevamente y se lanzo, su cara de susto era un poema jajajaja.
The surprises with my son did not end there, in the pool there was a slide and he asked me if he could go up to see the boys jump, I said yes, he went up and after a while down, he asked me if he could jump with his cousin Francisco, I told him that if he wanted of course yes, but the condition was that he would grab him when he got down because in that part of the pool was deep and covered him, he went up again and jumped, his scared face was a poem hahahaha.
Luego me dice papá me puedo lanzar solo, le di permiso y estaba abajo esperándolo, pensé que no lo haría, pero se lanzo amigos, de allí lo hizo como 20 veces mas jajajaja, ya al final me decía que no lo agarrara que el salía y se agarraba de mi, tenia que estar cerca de el para estar al pendiente porque no sabe nadar, es muy pronto para dejarlo solo.
Then he told me daddy I can throw myself, I gave him permission and I was downstairs waiting for him, I thought he would not do it, but he threw himself friends, from there he did it about 20 times more hahahaha, and in the end he told me not to grab him that he came out and grabbed me, I had to be near him to be aware because he can not swim, it is too early to leave him alone.

Pero amigos me siento orgulloso de ver lo mucho que ha madurado mi hijo, lo atrevido que estuvo hoy y lo contento, me dijo que este es el día mas feliz de su vida, estas palabras nunca se me olvidaran, ahora toca enseñarlo a nadar para que este mas seguro; agradezco a todos por leer mi experiencia sobre este grandioso día, se despide por ahora, su amigo el Drhueso.
But friends I am proud to see how much my son has matured, how daring he was today and how happy, he told me that this is the happiest day of his life, these words will never be forgotten, now I have to teach him to swim so he can be safer; I thank you all for reading my experience about this great day, I bid you farewell for now, your friend Drhueso.

Las imágenes son de mi propiedad, fueron tomadas con mi teléfono celular Tecno Spark 6 / The images are my property, they were taken with my Tecno Spark 6 cell phone.
Translated with (free version)
Estas victorias son las que se disfrutan mucho. Cuando nuestros hijos superan estas adversidades nos hace sentir orgullosos de ellos.
Ese tobogán se ve muy divertido.
Una victoria que estoy seguro que permitirá a mi hijo divertirse y ser más feliz, espero que esté sea la primera de muchas que aún nos quedan por batallar.
Agradecido por tu comentario, muy acertado!!
Que bien que perdió su miedo
Estoy muy contento por eso, ahora falta superar su miedo a las alturas.
It must have been really exciting for your son to have finally agreed to learn how to swim, all thanks to his amazing parents, you guys did a great job 🥰
So exciting to finally see it in the water, and to know that I enjoy it, is a great satisfaction.
Grateful for the support and for your com
Yeah, you're welcome 🥰
Wow, what a wonderful moment. I'm glad your son has lost that fear. And how good it is to see you present in your child's life. Nothing is more important than the presence of parents in childhood. We should make the most of the time with the ones we love the most. Thanks for sharing with us ☺️
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